i was browsing through my previous posts....i realised a pretty big difference.
i think i used to write more meaningful stuffs back then when i was a noobie blogger. hehehe
i feel that the more recent posts (which are not that recent at all) are more of "nothings" hehe...
okay....and i want to apologise for not updating for like more than a month. i've been really really busy with exams and lotsa other stuffs...to the extend of not coming online that often too. it's been a nerdy world there...hehe...
and i don't foresee myself blogging that often in the next couple of months because i ought to be studying even harder by then...but fret not my dear readers, i foresee myself blogging a whole lot after my finals especially the period when i'll be away from home...teehee....
oh....and thank you so much for coming by and reading my "nothings"... thank you for the support....huggies from me!!!
even as i'm sitting here typing away, my poor goldie's like a metre's away all sad and gloomy...she's not feeling well apparently and it breaks my heart to see her not being able to enjoy life like a happy bouncy labrador. get well soon, my love!!!! i want to be able to play and roll around with you in the garden, to be able to hold your hands and pretend that we are dancing in the moonlight....hehe....i want to be able to pull your ears and spin you around without having to fear that i'll further injure or hurt you.....i want to see my "fei poh" doing the things she normally enjoys doing. don't ask me what's wrong with her...i really do not know.
have you ever done something and then regret later? i guessed many of us have had such feelings before....worse still, have you done something which the people around you tells you it wasn't right and yet you have no regrets for doing what you've done? i guessed that has happened before too huh?
i did something which my conscience kept telling me it wasn't proper....yet after the whole ordeal, i wasn't mad at myself for not listening to my heart. i did regret my actions although i felt bad for the other party....okay, i don't want to go into the details....i shall therefore end abruptly.
as i was reminiscing upon the past, i realised that in the past one year, i've learn to accept people in spite of the differences that we have. and trust me, some of these people are really really "different"...not that they are handicapped or whatsoever but the methods by which they do things really differ from the methods by which many of us use.
i went into form six and was put in a class which i did not like in the first place. most of my friends were in the first class. (random fact about me : i was never (note: NEVER) placed in the first class in my entire high school life even if i was suppose to be one of the top students) but don't get me wrong, i am not bothered about that...in fact, i don't like to be in the first class..there's just too much pressure.
so back to the story, i wasn't happy about being separated from my friends and making new ones (i can be pretty unfriendly at times). to make matters worse, i'd 3 classmates, all whose names starts with the letter "j" (was it mere coincidence) who shares something in common....their weirdness. i shall not reveal their names in order to protect their identity. but i shall label them as boy #1, boy #2 and girl #3.
my first impressions of them wasn't a very pleasant one. in fact, i was wondering what it would be like having to share a class with them for 18 months....haha...
but one of my friends challenged me....he said i bet with you in a month's time, you'll start having a better impression of him. i accepted his challenge, being very confident that i would win.
let me be a little more detailed. boy #1 makes funny animal noices, his actions are very much disturbing, he gets very nervous at little little things, rubs his hands and legs and....(the extra details are too gruesome to be even mentioned) boy #2 is very much girlish....and girl #3 was everyone's nightmare when she first walked into class.. she asks very disturbing questions...questions you'll never be able to answer and gives you that very intimidating look as if she were to stab you in your abdomen at any one time if you were to give her an answer not pleasing to her.....pretty nightmarish right? i'm not exaggerating okay, ask any 6AS2ian....and they'll give you the same answers.
but as time passes, i realised that they may be slightly different from me, yet they are created in God's image and God loves them just as much as He loves me. and without realising, i began to accept them for who they were, emphasising on their strengths instead of their weaknesses. and now, they are like my very close friends. in fact, the entire class is very much united in spite of our diverse backgrounds, beliefs, stands and views. we are like one big happy family and it's really nice because you go to class everyday looking forward to spending time together. it makes lessons more exciting, humourous and fun. there's no racial segregation in 6AS2...it just simply does not exist.
yeah....and God has taught me an important lesson. to love everyone as He has first loved me. and that means to accept and to show our christian love to everyone alike. and He has also reminded me to trust in Him despite of not knowing what lies ahead because He always has the best in store for me! thank you Lord! i love You and always will! and i want to live my life for Your glory....gimme grace, mercy and strength.
God bless all of you peeps....
i'll try to share a little on the Methodist Prayer Convention the next time which in case you weren't there or didn't know, it was awesomely awesome! we are to be blessings to the people around us and to the nation! Amen!
so long, farewell, buhbye!