~Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor~
i was never really sure if i was proud to be a malaysian until a couple of days ago.
i was so excited that malaysia was sending her very first cosmonaut into space (not space tourist okay?) and she's the fourth country to do so! how proud is that? VERY!!!!
and, and, he's so good looking! he's like super dashing and he's got that everyone's dreamguy's look! the looks okay? not the religion....lolx...
but i'm praying hard that God will reveal Himself to him in His very own special ways...
it was wednesday night...
i quickly ate my dinner, cleaned up, then went upstairs and got my eyes glued to the "idiot box". i was like watching the program with such anticipation and uncontrollable excitement, i knew for sure i was proud to be part of Malaysia. and when Soyuz TMA-11 blast off from Baikonur Cosmodrome at 9.22 pm, my heart was pounding so fast i could hardly believe it. i watched the whole program until the very end (including those boring talks). i probably woudn't have watch it with that much of anticipation if it was that faiz guy..lolx...talking about being biased. i guess hot looks does sell.
indeed, malaysia is now a few inches taller....(quoting DPM)
i'm proud of her and all her achievements...
i'm looking forward to watching the docking in ISS tonight.
and to those out there who are still sceptical about the whole thing, thinking it's a waste of taxpayer's money, think again. in that case, then, we don't see a need for KLIA, for Sepang F1 circuit, for twin towers, for KL tower....might as well just remain in our respective kampungs and etc. it's all about creating history....for bringing our country to greater heights and acheiving more for the country...to me, it's money worth spending. lolx...i know i've not contributed to paying tax yet.
all the best, sheikh! praying for your safety! and i thank God for Malaysia and may the Lord continue to bless Malaysia greatly!
gotta go...a wedding to attend soon.
don't ask me why people get married on fridays....i'm still figuring that out.
and btw, i've one week of break! yippie...not really actually, cos i know i'll be nerding most of the time... and now, more pictures of him. oh, did i mention that i read every single news and article on this space mission. lolz....like from the beginning to the end.
something tickled me, i was saying bye to my uncle just now.
then he said, "Shin Hui, when you get into university start looking for a boyfriend."
my dad was just beside me when he quipped, "now's not the right time"
then my uncle said, "form four, form five don't get a boyfriend. don't get those 'chipalang' ones. wasting time only when you deserve so much better ones." and my immediate response was "Don't tell me, tell them...i'm still safe" lolx.... it was that 'chipalang' word that got me all tickled up. it's so true especially if you were in my place, and you saw that "face" you so love seeing....teehee (read that with the greatest degree of sarcasm that you have)
p/s: i can't help but to look away everytime i see that face of hers. it just makes me so sick. and how i wish you're reading this! gimme a break please....you're not GREAT at all!!! so don't put up a show for yourself and elevate yourself to a position that is not even meant for you....not to forget, it does not even exist there for you..
i'm not mean okay? she's the "meanest". you have no idea how shallow she is and how "yucky" and desperate she is....enough said!!!! God forgive me!