Tuesday, February 26, 2008

my new look

yours truly decided to get her hair cut yesterday..or should i say yesterday yesterday (sunday).

and she decided to get it cut real short since she doesn't have to abide by school rules anymore. even mom was shocked when she saw the hairstylist cutting off that much hair. hehe..

i like it, i'm not really bothered whether people like it or not. to me, it's refreshing. after long, long hair. i don't miss my long locks at all. not the slightest bit. most people have complimented so that's good news. i wanted to cut my hair real short back then...when i was still in school, but i wanted a tie-able length by stpm. so that was my problem. and i wanted a decent hairlength for the wedding. so what better time to cut it than now??? lol.

and we figured out this theory - women in shorter hair do not look as attractive if compared to women with longer hair. it's like long hair has that sex appeal. if you walk down the street and you see 2 woman, one in short hair and the other in long hair, both with as flattering bodies, you'll tend to give the woman with the longer hair your first look. trust me. if you don't believe, try it for yourself. but remember k? it has to be 2 women who are just as good looking. don't compare an aunty in long hair with a young hottie in short hair k? then, this theory does not work.



looks like the theory doesn't quite work with me either. hehe.. i think the second photo of myself looks better. you wanna know why? because i pick the ugliest picture of me for the before one. and the nicer picture for the after one. huhu.. =D


on a side note, i visited my ex-school today (i like that ex- word there). some people couldn't recognise me. huhu. it was nice meeting ex-teachers and ex-schoolmates.

going back brought back lotsa memories. mostly pleasant ones. i only had unpleasant flashbacks when i met people i never wanted to meet again back then on my last day of school. but overall, it was a very sweet reunion with my alma mater. will be going back again to get more documents certified. and besides, results should be out real soon. i'm anxious and excited at the same time.

God, help me to be obedient to whatever You call me to. and may Your Will be done in my life! ~Amen~

Nites, peeps!

p/s: Phobz, if you're reading this, leave a comment on my cbox. if it doesn't allow you to do that again, let me know. i'll *kill* it! haha..how can it not let my cuzzie miles and miles away leave a comment? but kenneth seems to be able to leave msges. hehe...talking about favoritism. boohoo!

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Happy Valentine's everyone! minnie and i are suppose to have a candlelight dinner tonight by the klang river. anyone interested to join? all or welcomed. tee shirts and shorts are enough. no need for roses or gifts. 7pm. remember to bring masks (foul smell) and apply lots of mosquito repellent before you come. and we'll all gaze at the stars together and dance in the moonlight. she even suggested that singles should make valentine's day a friendship day.

i got this from my devotional Our Daily Bread. it's a very meanignful one and i thought i'll share this with all of you.

"The best place to find love is not in another person but in a book, the Bible. The Bible tells of God’s great love for us. This is expressed in what my friend called the best love note she had ever received. It’s found in John 3:16.

For God so loVed the world,
That He gAve
His onLy
That whoever
Believes In Him
Should Not perish,
But have Everlasting life.
God loves us like no one else ever could. He showed that love when He sent His Son, Jesus, to be our Savior. He’s also the best companion we’ll ever have.
i've found Him, have you?"
Happy Valentine's Day everyone! and enjoy your day with your loved ones...
Note: i keep trying to allign it so that VALENTINE appears in a straight line but this silly system jsut doesn't permit it. check www.rbc.org if you want to see the original post.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Happy CNY '08!

Happy chinese new year everyone! may God continue to bless all of you!
we'd new year's eve's dinner at our place last night. it was a pleasant one. but nothing beats the Kuan's!

went to church this morning. enjoyed meeting so many people that i've not seen over the last couple of months. although it was short, but it was wonderful catching up with some of you.
i'll catch up with u peeps soon!

went to grandma's for lunch and more reunion. pretty exciting playing with the younger ones. they were superbly entertaining. they put a smile on my face.

it's good to be back although i very much still miss sydney and everyone there. but it's great to be home! in fact, mom has been missing me so much, we've been chatting all day long for the past couple of days. i guess she's just too excited about having me back after 5 very long weeks. hehe..

the house was so different to me when i get home. i opened the door and saw something i'd never seen before. it's good to be away for awhile cos when u get back u see a whole new thing. it's a feeling that cannot be described in words. i'm enjoying every single of what life has to offer for me and as mie puts it, " i've all the time in the world and am the free-est person!"


i'll just like to say my thank you's here.

1. Father God
If not for His great blessings, i'd not have had the opportunity to go to the land down under. I love You, Lord. i love You!

2. Pa and Mie
i love the both of you from the very bottom of my heart. mie, thank you for getting dad to agree with me being away from home for so long! thank you for financing the entire trip. and i believe that this trip has also brought all of us closer. i love you!!!!

3. Uncle Stan and Aunty Ivy
the both of you have been so hospitable. you have made my stay in sydney so comfortable to the extend of me finding it hard to leave. thank you so much for everything. you treated me like i was part of the family. really looking forward to seeing the both of you soon.

4. Uncle CK and Aunty Grace
thank you for having me around at your place. it was great catching up with u, si ee. and it was great fun with the twins.

5. Uncle Santiago and Aunty Emily
i love playing triominos with the both of you and watched you beat me from behind. i love the japanese food we had. and i enjoyed your company a lot.

6. Pascal and Davina
paccy, you are a real gentleman. davina chee chee, thank you so much for taking me all over the place and for taking time to be with me. it was a lovely time being with the both of u. thank you!

7. Desmond and Victoria
it was great getting to know the both of you better. it was lovely doing aqua with u vic. n even more beautiful going to manly with you and boogie board. missing the both of you here.

i'm missing all of them already. and i really hope i can make it to the Reunion in Hawaii in 2009. but i hope i won't have to wait for that long. i hope i'll be able to see you real soon. hehe.. :)

in short, licia's a happy happy girl who loves the Lord and her family!

have a great time celebrating with your loved ones, peeps!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Goodbye, sydney!

it's been a wonderful wonderful holiday. and i've really enjoyed myself here. more than i'd expected actually. i don't have much time to blog. will blog more when i'm home. i want to go hug jazz real tight and hope i'll see her again. she's old, you see?

i'll be leaving in 3 hours time. so if you feel like going to the airport, go! go and welcome me. hehe..

my cousins came over last night to say goodbye. davina chee chee and paccy gave me something from church. and desmond koko and vic gave me an aussie toilet bowl. will post a pic of it soon.
i've never spend so much time away from home before. and i really had the time of my life.

i'm getting a lil emo-ed now. so i shall leave.
people at home, people in msia, you'll have to see this face of mine soon. like it or not.
pa and mie, i doubt u've been reading (which is good actually) i love you!!!! can't wait to meet all of you tonight.
people in australia, i'll miss you.


Monday, February 4, 2008

BEWARE! licia's all emo-ed

i can't believe time passes by so quickly.
i'm a lil stressed up right now with a lot on my mind. thus, an emo-ed post.
was going through some friends' friendster profiles. managed to read a few comments on their profile. and i got disgusted. why? i'll tell you why.

"wakakka...so good ar u!!haha^u not stay kl de meh?hehe "

why de?

"lol...it's ok la...i won mind de..haha..sick ad!!!walao...wana CNY liao leh...hw r u ad???gt c doctor???rmb 2 eat medicine,,,drink mor water..o els i wil dan xin de leh...XPmi aaa...on de way sick...lol..wana sick liao...T.T"

this is a real sick girl. even if she claims to be "sick on the way" and she's dan xin. i would be if i were her.

"U got learn japanese ar? ?wher u learn...i also wan...tell me...Pls..............."

yeah i take japanese lessons. you sure u want another language when u r struggling with one that's very widely spoken worldwide. i suggest that u PLEASE take ENGLISH instead. or just put in more effort in writing in proper tenses. not that i speak excellent english. but at least i'm not that detestable.

i can't quote the sites and the names of the people. it's due to privacy reasons. i still have a heart. not that heart-less.

okay okay. i know. i'm not in a position to say anything, but if it makes me feel better, why not?
i can never imagine myself saying such things. especially not after i've been in sydney for 8 weeks with hardly any manglish spoken. hit me hard if you hear me saying such things okay? i'm pretty determined not to even use -lahs and -ahs.

and if you think those comments are enough to kill me, wait till you see some of the pictures with the titles. it's gruesome! it's...yucky! i can throw up now.

alright, feli flee! yeah...i better go before i say more things which i may regret later on.


and by the way, GOLDIE was 3 yesterday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! i'll be home soon. very soon. i promise. and then i'll cuddle you to sleep and kiss you till you get so sick of it. i promise!

EDIT: i felt pretty bad after publishing the post, yet not bad enough to make me remove it. but bad enough to add a note. i quickly went through all my archives. erm, some of them, not all. i don't have that much time. i went through to see if i'd posts with such terrible manglish in it. now i'm convinced and pretty confident that i've not. so i can go on "kutuk-ing them de!" all the edited parts are in green.