i was in a conversation with someone...and we came across the topic of aging. aging is not a very pleasant topic to discuss with the aging, of course. it may not clearly affect us yet, at this particular moment...but as we grow older and the younger ones threaten our positions, you know stuffs like that...then aging would be a problem.
and when health problems start to creep in....that's when you know you're getting old. when you do a bit of household chores and then start complaining of back aches and things like that, you're showing signs of aging. wrinkles are no longer trustworthy signs. young girls in their mid-twenties have wrinkles around their eyes too.
i'll try to keep this short... it doesn't really matter how old we are now. it doesn't matter if we are young or old...it doesn't matter if we are continously aging (because we are)...no point worrying about getting old, because we all will, one day.
the most important thing is to live our lives to be as meaningful and as fruitful for the Lord as ever. it's the satisfaction of a meaningful life which makes all the difference, not the age at which we accomplish things.
the next time you complain that you're getting old, remember this "the focus is not about getting old, rather it's the life that we live. has our lives been lived meaningfully?" everyone ought to be happy, no matter what stages of their lives they are in.
take example, myself..it's suppose to be the prime years...the most enjoyable and exciting years of my life, but if i were to mess it up, what good would it bring? true?
so ponder upon this. let's live our lives that we may bear fruit for the Lord. than Christ would be proud of our acheivements on judgement day. and by achievements, i don't mean how much money you've earned and all the degrees under your belt. those are only "wordly achievements". there's certainly more to life than just that.
money...is something, but not everything. it'll help you get most things, but not everything. i can't deny that money is important (especially in my situation now)...it could make a big difference, but never a whole difference. so let's learn to be contented with what we have, and learn to count our blessings.
my emo-days are gone...and i hope it doesn't come back soon. at least not so soon.
those feelings of mine, which i thought were long gone, are back. this makes me feel so troubled, so confused, so..uncertain. and the feelings are just so ambigous. all muddled up.
God, be gracious to me and give me wisdom from above, that i may make the right decisions and may glorify Your name! ~Amen~
all i need is a clear mind, a break (not that i've a hectic life at the moment) and just to unwind and set aside all my worries and fears and concerns. i think i'd be fine. *i hope*
*beaches - charms that still allure...maybe this would help? ;)
the top 500's finally over. the #1 song is nice, but i wouldn't have rated it as top. "all out of love" by air supply. i thought the #500-#400 songs were better. i should have known better. after all, who are the ones casting their votes? not you, not me..not our generation. perhaps, the oldies. lite fm is indeed an 'oldie' radio station. so it's not suprising that the the top 100 songs are not exactly the ones that i favour. i mean, yeah, there are good ones in the top 100 but i'd say that some of those #400 something songs deserved to be in it too. :p i rest my case.
but that doesn't mean the song addict in me is free. not at the moment.
i first heard, well, not exactly first heard, but i heard the tune of 'Jesu, Joy of Man's desiring' in sydney when i was there. i was using one my aunty's spare phones cos i stupidly put sim lock on my own. and i used this tune as my ringtone. then, i went to jb hi-fi and saw josh groban's albums...and this song was one of them. i've a cd of it...and now, i'm addicted to this tune. i tricked my dad into letting me hear one last song of my choice before he play his own favourite cds...i put this song on, and clicked 'repeat'..so it kept repeating. after listening it to like 4-5 times, i confessed and told him it was his turn. hahaha... =)
the only problem with youtube is that the good ones are usually disabled for embedding. which is sad.
i've to start brushing up on my english. only about a month left. so i guess, i'll be blogging more often these days. but fret not, maybe i'll touch a lil bit on controversial issues...i'll love to express my views on the political situation in msia now..but there's always this fear of being 'too controversial'. i think the so-called "freedom of rights" stated in our constitution just does not exist. it's only there to 'pai sui' (hokkien saying).
i mean, look at the syariah law now. they even want to extend their syariah laws to the non-muslims now. when i first read bout the news that they were planning to bring the non-muslims to civil court for being caught in close-proximity cases with muslims, i thought nothing about it... and say it wouldn't affect me. (yeah, selfish i know)..then a couple of days later, i was like "no, that is soooooo wrong!" it's just one of their strategies to extend their authority over the non-muslims. first, khalwat involving non-muslims with muslims...next??? everyone?
i like the statements made by one of those sisters-in-islam rep...she mentioned that it's abusing the rights of the people. which is so true...who gave this people the rights to start rampaging into people's privacy and private lives? i mean, there are so much more crucial issues to attend to? why not channel that effort and time into more beneficial stuffs? i guess, this will always be the problem.
you know, i've got mixed feelings about this 'pakatan rakyat' thingy. one part of me says that it's good. and i'm excited to see what changes and benefits the chinese will get. and i'm looking forward to seeing malaysia heading a new direction (a good one) and being less corrupted, and seeing justice prevail. but then again, politicians are always politicians and will always be. they are, to me, one of the biggest crooks in town. they use words, cleverly using them, stringing them one-by-one in such a perfect manner, it makes us, as listeners, brightened up. however, do they really carry out what they promise to do? time will tell...and we shall see about that. but what scares me is the thought of us, as chinese and as christians, losing out, in terms of perks and rights...it's scary, really.
i know not what the future holds, but this assurance i do have, and can strongly cling to...that the Lord Jesus will continue to be with me, to guide me and to lead me, for i know that He will never leave me, nor forsake me. that's my consolation. that's what i call comfort, and a promise which is being fulfilled even now, and will be at the end of time.
i never intended to touch on these issues now. but i guess, it's just one of those spur-of-the-moment thingy. i'll write more. and dicuss more intellectual stuffs more often...at least for now. *promise*
the more i look at the political unrest we are facing, the more i want to leave the country. but how? that's the question. ;)
oh, one more thing before i call it a day..the umno issues. i mean they talk about all these issues and make them so "hangat" as if the umno elections is in a week's time. oh come on, it's in dec. so don't trust everything they say, it can be this today, but it can swing a whole 180 degrees tomorrow to that. that's politics. and that's the game that a lot of malaysians are monitoring so closely, which happens to include my blur sotong friend - 'ah lian'. lol.
i got hooked to lite fm's "top 500 countdown". i remembered listening to some very good songs that i like, but i seriously can't remember them anymore. i can't recall the tune, what more the title of the song. it bugged me so much, i actually took the trouble to go through the entire list of the lyrics station on lite fm's site from a-z. and you know what? i still can't find the ones i like. sighz. this is so annoying. but i came across this few. so enjoy them yeah?
*why do i upload youtubes? why don't i just do a playlist? erm..cos i dunno how? *embarrassed* anyone kind enough to teach me, write to me. leave me a comment or anythg. thanks in advance!
specially dedicated to all of you out there "to go the distance" enjoy the animation. :)
Fool Again...min, this song? evokes memories eh? lots and lots of them.
i like whitney houston a lot...as in a lot a lot a lot. i like most of her songs...and this is one of them. "where do broken hearts go?" can you please tell me?!!
that shall do for now. i'm afraid i've no other choice but to go to bed a sad, unsatisfied girl. hmmpph! mission un-accomplished.
p/s: nothing interesting to blog about these days..no inspiration, thus nothing interesting to say. maybe i'll come out with something better soon.
oh, i forgot to introduce to all of you the newest addition of the Kuan family - baby Isaiah James Diaz. born on March 24th, 2008.
isn't he cute? i can't wait to see him. i wished i could go over to sydney now and give him a big big hug.
okay, maybe now i can sleep better, i hope. (i don't think sleeping would be a problem at all for me actually, especially if there's no exams or anything to worry about...hehe) nitez, peeps!
a simple girl who also happens to adore a luxurious lifestyle. one who simply adores and worships her Dear Lord! a family person who would do anything to spend more time with her papa, mie n bro. loves lookin at her two adorable doggies n praisin them incessantly even if tht means every single minute. an ambitious girl who's willing to go against all odds in acheiving wht she wants and is crazy bout her friends.laughs non-stop. gets happily high if rewarded with ice-creams...