no need to relocate anytime soon. and i can still enjoy the comfort of home!
it's so comforting to know. :)
as for malaysia, licia's got a big big announcement!!!!
i can still recall when msia send muzaphar shukor to ISS and i was always on the governement's side. and i became so patriotic. and when everyone else was criticising the leadership, i was standing by it will full support. i've now swung a total 180 degrees. yes, i have.

COMPUTER SCIENCE???!!! are you kidding me? is that even possible? it never occured to me that i could be insulted in such a manner. never. but i guess, God has a plan for me. and it's not to study in public universities. i prayed very specifically and trusted in God this time....and i know, for sure that He answered my prayed very clearly too.
we may not understand why certain things/events happened the way it happens, at least not now, but if we learn to trust in God and to have faith in Him, claiming in His promise that "God never leaves us, nor forsake us"...we will see why He has allowed all these things to happen, and it's all for our own good. for "His ways are better than ours, and His thoughts higher than ours". and "in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who has been called according to His purposes". Amen!
please don't sympathize with me, unless you're thinking of joining me in ridiculing our government. okay, wait! i'm not suppose to do that. i need to learn to be submissive to the authorities. God, help me! give me grace!
signing out,
a very grateful Licia.
p/s: i love you! Pa and Mie, (i know you don't read this anymore), but i love love love you! thank you for everything!
p/s p/s (haha): dear readers, keep your questions to yourself for now. don't ask me what's the next step....i'll inform you in due time. God bless!