allow me to blow my own horn a lil k? (a second of fame...) i think i drive pretty well...not too proud of my side-parking though...but i'll master that...soon soon! cos instructors these days dun teach u to drive on the road...they only teach u to pass....they give u all sorts of formulae...and tell me, how m i suppose to remember all that? talkin bout practicality here....
*side note: i can't..really can't get myself to writing an entire post without using short forms...bear with me k?
okies....but generally speaking, i think malaysians are terrible....not driving skills but they are so uncourteous....
i can sum malaysians in the following categories: ( this is only based on my experience, 1 year is pretty short though)
1. the "hoggers"
i hate such ppl..or shld i say dislike....(no, in actual fact, i detest them) to me, they are so irritating...and mind you, they are not the ones with red 'P' stickers on the back and front of their cars...they are the ones who are supposedly the ones who have been driving for years and the ones "with a lot of experience"
what sort of experience, tell me? hogging? u drive so slow...if i were to run, i'll probably be even faster...and if you like hoarding so much, can u pls stick to the last lane...as in the last last last lane? dun hog the first lane la...they are meant to be for the fast ones ( call us the impatient ones, it doesn't matter, just stick to "ur" last lane k?"
yeah....sometimes, it's good to be slow, to be more careful....but reacting slow is not being careful...you are actually endangering lives....the lives of other road users....if u have plenty of time, and you love sight-seeing so much while driving, just bear in mind that there are lotsa other "busy" people who need to get to their destinations fast k? thank u! *balik kampung la*
2. the inconsiderate
plenty fall into this list....they expect people to read their minds and to noe their next course of action....they drive on the roads as if they were the only ones driving...they never give signals....
signal la pls? they dun cost u a single cent! it's not like you only have 100,000 signals per car....if signals were limited, then i'd understand why...but they are not k? they are unlimited...
if u dun signal, how'd i noe whether u want to turn left, right or go straight? ppl like u make the world so sad la...just bcos u r inconsiderate, ppl get into accidents...and all the 'mafan-ness' kicks in...
oh and signal everytime u want to change lane la..dun cut here, cut there...dangerous u noe?
3. the fast and the furious
i wouldn't categorise myself in either categories....wait...i'll have an extra category later...
being too fast isn't good for health too...raise blood pressure, chances of getting myocardial infarction, high blood pressure, stroke, etc, etc higher u noe? hehe...
if u travel very fast but safe and careful at the same time, it's alright with me...but tht's soo unlikely...u drive so recklessly at times....if u dun treasure ur life, jus remember i treasure mine...i'll love to go back to heaven too...but i dun want to leave this way (unless God wants me to)..so pls k?
drive safely, carefully, not too fast.....
ur family needs u....think of ur loved ones....haha..looks like those ads actually work!
ur family needs u....think of ur loved ones....haha..looks like those ads actually work!
4. the lovely drivers
hehe...yeah! i fall into this...haha..the considerate...doesn't drive at 40 km/hr on clear straight roads, gives signals when turning, drives carefully...hehe...not the flamboyant type...lolz
how nice if everyone drove courteously? rite rite? hehe...
oh....and i dislike motorcyclists....i'm not biased or wht? and i'm not discriminating either.
but motorcyclists always thinks they are very small and can fit into any lil spaces....they think they aren't hogging...but in actual fact, they hold everyone up.....
but motorcyclists always thinks they are very small and can fit into any lil spaces....they think they aren't hogging...but in actual fact, they hold everyone up.....
they are so small..but they use a whole lane especially when they stay in the middle of the lane....if i were to be elected as PM one day (dream on la rite?) i'd make a ruling...that motorcyclists will have to use a separate lane everywhere they go....
motorcyclists, i actually care for u la.....i care for u tht's y i dun want u to get hurt...hehe....
so next time when u c me on the road, quickly make way for me k? bcos i'm afraid i'll hit u and then u'll go "bling blank blank PLUNCK!" i noe tht you can't go any faster....so next time dun go to the middle la....move to the sides alright? it'll be better for both me and u....sama-sam save? tht's wht we want rite? WORLD PEACE??? hehe....
okie...ppl r going to comment tht it's so so long again...i better stop....looks like i'm really long-winded...haha...hols now ma? i can't reach my quota of 14563729403 words a day le? it's torturing u noe? when u onli hv ur dogs with u...
oh n agong! Happy Birthday, young young agong! be a good one k? (so disrespectful huh?) but at least i remember him k? lolz....dun eat until become fat fat ar? remember u noe? hehe
hv a lovely weekend everyone....
my next post would be on dogs....haha...my bro would hv to wait....
you colour my life..can't imagine life without the 2 of u...
p/s: i actually dislike the idea of playing terrible accident images on the minds of people (i'm reffering to those accident awareness ads) but wait...my picture is actually one of them...how contradictory? i feel tht those ads are so cruel...so cruel to those who really killed their loved ones in an accident...really..i can feel their pain and agony...
I guess u forgot another category which is "the horny drivers".lol.quickly post one about it!
chun as in ct? haha...
i can't comment on tht...i've nvr encountered one....you want to do tht?
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