Thursday, December 13, 2007

the land down under...

greetings people forom sydney, australia!

i arrived yesterday around 3am (msian time) day started real early.
we're ahead of you guys by 3 hours.
i'm tired now...i'll update soon. was in the city the whole day. and boy, i took lotsa pictures.
sydney opera house, the harbour bridge, the entire city. have been to the city for the past two days. and tomorrow, i'll be going to hunter's valley. it's a vineyard with winery and stuff. it'll be interesting. it's a 2 1/2 hours journey....i guess it's pretty far. btw, my aunt's place is not too far from the city.

things here are pricey if u convert. if you don't, it's a dollar-to-a-dollar. or else u gotta multiply everything by 2.98 which is obscene. haha....

i'm missing malaysia already. life there's good. you don't have to think so many times when you are at the stores purchasing things. here, u gotta think, then count, then think, then calculate again, think somemore, then decide whether to buy or not. food's expensive. bus tickets are expensive too...but then, it's really interesting and a lot of fun too...hehe...

i'll update soon with pictures, i rpomise. but you all be good....haha
take care, till then, God bless...

signing out,

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