Sunday, January 20, 2008

tasmanian trip

back from tassie. spent 3d/2n there.
interesting experience.

when we arrived at hobart, uncle stan hired a car and drove straight to port arthur's, stopping somewhere in the middle to have lunch.

port arthur's cool. it's not a port. it was a prison centuries ago. it's more like a historical place than a port where ships dock. i'm not in the mood to write now. but thought i'll just do a short update. so excuse me for the bad writing.

during the british reign, port arthur's the place where they send all the criminals to. it's safe-for the criminals cos it's in the woods and surrounded by lots of water. we took a short tour around the place. and i even went on the harbour cruise. that was really nice. i went to the upper deck, to take some photos. i've a few good shots. the wind was so strong and it was really cool. i can't explain it in words. it was just amazing standing there experiencing another wonderful creation of God. scenery was beautiful.

we went to the tasman national park after that. 1 word. splendid.
we stopped by at kingston for tea then head over to david's place.

a short introduction about david's place. he lives at the foot of a mountain. the journey there is pretty long considering that tasmania is not that big. and the roads leading to his place is....erm, how should i put it? let's just say it was difficult.

he has his own farm. a very big piece of land but i wonder why they don't build bigger houses. yeah, costly i know. but maintaining that big peice of land is not that easy either.
he has cattles, horses, dogs, cats. he grows all sorts of trees - apples, plum, raspberries, apricots.

i wished i was pre-warned before i went. cos i was caught dumb founded. i didn't know what to expect and was pretty shocked with what i saw when i first arrived. i guess, i adapted pretty well. his wife, romaine makes good food. they served me beef most of the time, from their own cattle. yeah, i nearly choked when i was about to taste the spaghetti bolagnaise she made when she said, oh this beef is from our own cattle. i mean, i eat meat, and i love meat. but how am i suppose to react when i'm about to put that spoonful of food into my mouth and then someone comes along and say, that's from our own cattle. goodness! but the beef taste realy different. i won't disagree with david that the meat melts in your mouth. it was that good.

sleeping that night was pretty hard. you should know why.

the next day (friday), we went to a few other places. we went to the city. town sounds more like it though. it's really quiet there. hardly any cars in the area. i agree with uncle stan. it's a place where you'll enjoy holidaying but certainly not living there making a living.

we went to see tigersnakes, salmon and trout fishery. the mount field national park.
and in the evening, i had no idea what itme it was, i guess it was already 8/9 by then. but anyways, david took me in his truck into the woods to see wallabies. lol. and pure water. they said it was scary but i think it was fine. but yeah, it was really really dark.

imagine a girl with her nails painted a light coat of pink, in a pretty spaghetti top with embroidery, paired up with denim pants, wearing her jewellery riding on the back of a tractor? sounds like a scene from the simple life huh? no! it was me. i was in a way, forced to follow him on that trip. wished i had pictures of it though. it was fun. but not so fun when his big dog, wolf walked past me after he went into a pool of mud. yucks!

we went for fish and chips at salamanca bay. we went to the salamanca market too before leaving for the airport. but nothing interesting enough for me to buy. which is good news in a way.

i'm getting more used to planes now. wasn't sick at all. in fact i only slept one-ish the next day watching the tennis matches of hewitt against some other fellow. lol. hewitt won. and guess how long was the whole game? 4hrs and 45 minutes.

back to the gym tomorrow. and aqua aerobics with vic in the evening at lane cove.
i only have 2 weeks left before heading home. mixed feelings.



Anonymous said...

imagine a girl with her nails painted a light coat of pink, in a pretty spaghetti top with embroidery, paired up with denim pants, wearing her jewellery riding on the back of a tractor? sounds like a scene from the simple life huh? no! it was me.

minee : chuckle

Abir Abdul Rahim said...

My are INDEED enjoying your life THERE. Am pretty envious, but HAPPY for you babe~!

Licia said...

lol..finally a couple of comments!!! woots. should i throw a party and celebrate? tht's how deprived i am. i'm indeed having a great time here. looking forward to meetin u all again. bir, we really gotta meet. no more procrastination! haha...after a decade plus plus plus.