but to Your name be the glory,
because of Your love and faithfulness.
~Psalms 115:1~
Indeed, may all glory and honour be given to God.
the past 6 months has been a real ride for me, and it'd be a chapter of my life that i'll remember for the rest of my life. it's a very refreshing period for me, and it has certainly taught me many many things in life, some of which are most important.
yeah, the first couple of months may have been pretty much worry-free as i was away, holidaying and having the time of my life. however, when i got back, and the CNY celebrations were over, reality hit me. and i must say, it hit pretty hard. *oouch!*
i'll never have regrets. and i thank God for the many opportunities that He has blessed me with. to many out there, the past six months may have been a pure waste of time, but for me and to me, it helped me set my priorities right.
for the very first time in my life, i'd no idea whatsoever of where i'll be or what i'll be doing. i was initially very very very frustrated, especially so when everyone else's favourite question is "what are you doing now?" and "what are your plans?" but all these taught me one thing - TO TRUST IN THE LORD!
God is great, and He'll always be. His thoughts and ways are higher than mine. and He knows what's best for me. i may not understand why things have happened the way it has (not that i'm complaining) *winks* but i know, one day, when i look back, i will then understand why things have happened the way it did. and i know everything happens for a reason - for GOD's glory! and this has brought me a lot closer to my Creator! because i now learn to live each day as it comes, and to entrust everything to HIM. Lord, may Your will be done, and not mine! ~Amen~
and my dear patient readers, in case you were wondering...

i'll be starting in IMU in August and am really looking forward to it!
praise the Lord for all that You've done. and i thank Dad & Mom for this BIG opportunity! i'll never forget all that you've done for me!!!
your sweetheart ( i meant, dad and mom) :p
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