Saturday, April 10, 2010

stop hurting yourself, my friend.

don't change yourself just so you could fit in. because it's simply not worth it. along the way, you would end up losing yourself. be yourself, embrace the uniqueness of variation. take it from me, please.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

love that abides

i've got this inner peace deep within me, which i can't explain in words.
an unspeakable joy with an outburst of hope.
God You're so amazing.

on another note, my work's piling up to a seriously overwhelming degree due to my lack of diligence. hahaha.

toodles. much love. <3

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The betrayal by the Iscariot

As i partook the Lord's Supper earlier and am being reminded once again of God's great love for mankind, and the many sacrifices that He has made, and of Christ' death on the cross that i may be saved from sin's wrath and spend eternity with Him, i am feeling rather overwhelmed about the betrayal of Jesus by Judas the Iscariot.

would i have done the same rebukable act if i had been in iscariot's shoes? i sometimes wonder. would the world have enticed me and made me lose my footing? would i have betrayed christ's love for some 30 pieces of silver? even as i continue writing, i must say that there have been many things i've done and said in the past which are not things that i am particularly proud of. in fact, i'm ashamed of them.

why must the Son of God then be delivered into the hands of the betrayer, and be put to death, death on the cross, to die a painful humiliating death? it is to fulfill the sovereign Will of God. God has His plans and purposes and ultimately, everything is done for His glory. if Christ did not die on the cross, today, i'd be believing in vain. if Christ did not die on the cross, there would be no resurrection from the dead. if there was no resurrection, there is no power over evil and sin. and if there isn't power, i'd be living a life of eternal condemnation.

judas was one of the chosen twelve. lived as one of them, part of them. imagine the hurt and agony of being betrayed by one whom you considered part of you? ever wondered? it'd hurt right to the core, i believe.

and i also believe that betrayal from within hurts a lot more than betrayal from the outside. you'll feel like there's no more hope, and the circle of trust has been broken and severed.

yet at times, like the betrayal by judas, all these are necessary that the glory of God may be revealed through a character that perseveres and does the Will of God.

God bless!