Sunday, November 16, 2008
i woke up this morning, humming christmas carols' tunes. then i started craving for fruitcakes. no, not those ordinary fruitcakes u get at wedding dinners, or cake shops. i want fruitcakes which takes month(s) to prepare, those which are prepared with rum!!! mmmhhmmmm!!! yumm~~~ anyone has any idea where i can find those?
i'd some last year..which tasted, oh, so heavenly! hehe! but i have no idea where i can find them here, and even if i do, i reckon it's going to cost me a bomb! so, maybe it's a good idea to just shuddup and stop tempting myself considering the fact that there's a 90.1% chance of not being able to satisfy my cravings this christmas season. lol. dont ask me why 90.1, i'm just obsessed with that figure.
hold on, is there anyone home? lol. i reckon no one visits anymore :( look at my tagboard, all submerged in dust. haha, ok, i know u can submerge things with dust!
on a different note, it amazes me as to how swiftly time passes by (or should i say fly by?), and it amazes me even more as to how much has happened in this short span of 2 1/2 months. indeed, my life has been very eventful and dramatic, which isn't a very positive thing. :s but God is great and He is faithful!!! AMEN!
and in case you're wondering how med school is treating me? i'm proud to say that by God's grace, i'm still alive, and kicking, man!!!! haha. i reckon it's because i enjoy what i study and what i do. i couldnt really ask for more. :D
oh..let me end with a random fact: med school students party as hard as they study.
let me give you an example - with exams just around the corner, and with 2848327291 facts to cram into our brains, a group of us are planning a sunway lagoon outing. i reckon it's best to scream our lungs out, then nerd like real nerds do. and with that, i mean REAL NERDS! so, toodles!
p/s: another month long (or more) hiatus.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
i'm very sorry...but i really dont have that blogging spirit anymore.
if one day, you come in and you realised that this blog has been made private, that's because i've decided to shut it down. i'm not going to delete it bcos i blogged so much about my australia trip back then, so it's memorabilia.
a lot has happened recently. uni has been really interesting. people are great. just log onto my facebook page. or write to me, and i'll tell you stuffs. ;)
i started this blog because i wanted to express my views on issues. but i simply dont have the time to do that anymore. and i've never been too fond of the idea of blogging about my personal life. i like things to be kept private and special. :)
but praise the Lord. i'm a very blessed person. and if you're wondering if i'm fine, i'm great!!!! i enjoy what i do, so going to uni is never a least for now.
thank you again, peeps! xoxo
p/s: i may change my minda bout blogging someday, but not anytime soon. lol
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
it's this time of the year where friends and relatives come back to msia to visit.
and i realised how much i hate being separated again. i think it's because i get very attached to people easily...and then when they leave, i'll get all torned.
Tuo Wu went back yesterday evening. and today i'd to say bye to Kenneth. last week, i'd to say bye to Kendrick. and next week, i'll have to say bye to both Chloe and Julie. and who knows, who's next?
leaving msia to further my education sounds very exciting to me. but the thought of leaving behind all that i ever owned, tears me apart. no worries, i'm not leaving anytime soon. but the time will come. and i know for sure, that as much as i'll like to leave this place would come to a time, when i'll be very reluctant to go. the thought of even staying away from home, even if it's only a 45-minute drive away scares me. and i'll like to do away with that as much as i can. besides God, my parents are my top priority. and my brother, haha, i always tell him that i look forward to him being as far away as he can from me, but i know i'll miss him a lot too. and what about G & T? no them, no inspiration. i sound pathetic, huh? yes, i'm proud to be my Daddy's and Mommy's girl. and yes, i admit that i'm veyr protected still and very sheltered. what's wrong with that? i know what it's like in i'm not being naive.
FAMILY...are my treasured possesions. :)
and i know this is very random, but i miss all the Kuans. i'm glad though, that more will be visiting soon, later this year. and early next year. i can't wait.
but there'll always be that dreadful separation. *sobs*
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
i miss you dearly...
i'd do anything to spend another day with you...
memories of us will always linger in my mind.
you're always remembered, always cherished, always loved!
i love you and i'm missing you dearly here.
Monday, July 7, 2008
not to me, not to me
but to Your name be the glory,
because of Your love and faithfulness.
~Psalms 115:1~
Indeed, may all glory and honour be given to God.
the past 6 months has been a real ride for me, and it'd be a chapter of my life that i'll remember for the rest of my life. it's a very refreshing period for me, and it has certainly taught me many many things in life, some of which are most important.
yeah, the first couple of months may have been pretty much worry-free as i was away, holidaying and having the time of my life. however, when i got back, and the CNY celebrations were over, reality hit me. and i must say, it hit pretty hard. *oouch!*
i'll never have regrets. and i thank God for the many opportunities that He has blessed me with. to many out there, the past six months may have been a pure waste of time, but for me and to me, it helped me set my priorities right.
for the very first time in my life, i'd no idea whatsoever of where i'll be or what i'll be doing. i was initially very very very frustrated, especially so when everyone else's favourite question is "what are you doing now?" and "what are your plans?" but all these taught me one thing - TO TRUST IN THE LORD!
God is great, and He'll always be. His thoughts and ways are higher than mine. and He knows what's best for me. i may not understand why things have happened the way it has (not that i'm complaining) *winks* but i know, one day, when i look back, i will then understand why things have happened the way it did. and i know everything happens for a reason - for GOD's glory! and this has brought me a lot closer to my Creator! because i now learn to live each day as it comes, and to entrust everything to HIM. Lord, may Your will be done, and not mine! ~Amen~
and my dear patient readers, in case you were wondering...
i'll be starting in IMU in August and am really looking forward to it!
praise the Lord for all that You've done. and i thank Dad & Mom for this BIG opportunity! i'll never forget all that you've done for me!!!
your sweetheart ( i meant, dad and mom) :p
Friday, June 20, 2008
wednesday has come and gone
no need to relocate anytime soon. and i can still enjoy the comfort of home!
it's so comforting to know. :)
as for malaysia, licia's got a big big announcement!!!!
i can still recall when msia send muzaphar shukor to ISS and i was always on the governement's side. and i became so patriotic. and when everyone else was criticising the leadership, i was standing by it will full support. i've now swung a total 180 degrees. yes, i have.
COMPUTER SCIENCE???!!! are you kidding me? is that even possible? it never occured to me that i could be insulted in such a manner. never. but i guess, God has a plan for me. and it's not to study in public universities. i prayed very specifically and trusted in God this time....and i know, for sure that He answered my prayed very clearly too.
we may not understand why certain things/events happened the way it happens, at least not now, but if we learn to trust in God and to have faith in Him, claiming in His promise that "God never leaves us, nor forsake us"...we will see why He has allowed all these things to happen, and it's all for our own good. for "His ways are better than ours, and His thoughts higher than ours". and "in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who has been called according to His purposes". Amen!
please don't sympathize with me, unless you're thinking of joining me in ridiculing our government. okay, wait! i'm not suppose to do that. i need to learn to be submissive to the authorities. God, help me! give me grace!
signing out,
a very grateful Licia.
p/s: i love you! Pa and Mie, (i know you don't read this anymore), but i love love love you! thank you for everything!
p/s p/s (haha): dear readers, keep your questions to yourself for now. don't ask me what's the next step....i'll inform you in due time. God bless!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Saturday, June 7, 2008
my absence
a few friends have been nagging at me to update and "resuscitate" my blog again.
it's just that i don't have that sort of inspiration to blog anymore. i've lost that touch. i enjoy expressing my views...but sometimes, by the time i log onto blogspot, i don't feel like writing anymore.
it may come to a point where i decide to delete
anyways, everywhere i go, people ask me the same question.
"so felicia, what are you doing now?"
"what course? which uni? when? where?"
and i know that people who constantly reads my blog, asks the same questions too.
i promise to answer those questions soon. but not now. because i don't have the answers yet.
"ask me no questions, i'll tell you no lies"
grrr... now i really feel like deleting this blog.
because like i mentioned before, i'm not the sort of blogger who blogs about his/her personal life. i only did that when i was in australia. and that's because i think blogging about it would be easier than writing to everyone personally.
but now that i'm back, i've resume to being my old self. many would disagree with me, and i don't mean to be offensive, but i don't exactly like publicising about my own private life. not that it's wrong or whatever, but sometimes, privacy is not such a bad thing.
i've been doing a lot of thinking recently. and i think i've come to accept and appreciate life more now, knowing that God is always there, and He'll guide and lead me. it's a very comforting thought to know that God never leaves me, never forsakes me, unlike people. i'm living each day with thankfulness and gratitude! and i want to continue living each day of my life for the glory of God! *i hope*
when life is so uncertain, and when you have no clues of where you'll be in a month's time, it's really comforting to know that God is always there. and He'll always be. :)
and now, licia's happy and thankful and grateful and blessed.
and she's excited to find out what's next.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
STPM books for sale!!!!
anyone interested? if you know of anyone who'll be sitting for their STPM this year or have just entered Lower Six, please help me inform them.
i'll come out with the list of books that i'm planning to sell. but i've practically, almost everything important. so leave me a comment -here, Facebook, friendster or MSN and i'll get back to you asap. if you have my mobile no, then text me.
and a note, all books are in superbly good condition, some of which have not even be written on before. i studied okay?'s just that i do my workings elsewhere. prices are negotiable.
thank you!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
licia is....
and there are many many many wonderful things that has happened that i'll love to share...but perhaps, another time? =)
all in all, Licia's a very blessed child of God and is forever grateful to the Lord as well as her parents! Pa and Mie, i love you!
and since it's Mother's Day, i wanna wish Mie a blessed Mie's day!
"Nothing touches a child like a mother's love" and Mie, i'll always be that child. =)
"Many women do noble things,
but you surpass them all."
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
Give her the reward she has earned,
and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.
~Proverbs 31:29-31~
I love you lots! xoxo.
more updates to come...but i think i've lost my touch with blogging. or perhaps, i never had it? ;)
Thursday, April 10, 2008
fruitful and meaningful
i was in a conversation with someone...and we came across the topic of aging.
aging is not a very pleasant topic to discuss with the aging, of course. it may not clearly affect us yet, at this particular moment...but as we grow older and the younger ones threaten our positions, you know stuffs like that...then aging would be a problem.
and when health problems start to creep in....that's when you know you're getting old. when you do a bit of household chores and then start complaining of back aches and things like that, you're showing signs of aging. wrinkles are no longer trustworthy signs. young girls in their mid-twenties have wrinkles around their eyes too.
i'll try to keep this short... it doesn't really matter how old we are now. it doesn't matter if we are young or doesn't matter if we are continously aging (because we are) point worrying about getting old, because we all will, one day.
the most important thing is to live our lives to be as meaningful and as fruitful for the Lord as ever. it's the satisfaction of a meaningful life which makes all the difference, not the age at which we accomplish things.
the next time you complain that you're getting old, remember this "the focus is not about getting old, rather it's the life that we live. has our lives been lived meaningfully?" everyone ought to be happy, no matter what stages of their lives they are in.
take example,'s suppose to be the prime years...the most enjoyable and exciting years of my life, but if i were to mess it up, what good would it bring? true?
so ponder upon this. let's live our lives that we may bear fruit for the Lord. than Christ would be proud of our acheivements on judgement day. and by achievements, i don't mean how much money you've earned and all the degrees under your belt. those are only "wordly achievements". there's certainly more to life than just that. something, but not everything. it'll help you get most things, but not everything. i can't deny that money is important (especially in my situation now) could make a big difference, but never a whole difference. so let's learn to be contented with what we have, and learn to count our blessings.
my emo-days are gone...and i hope it doesn't come back soon. at least not so soon.
~licia~ is thankful!
Monday, April 7, 2008
uncertain feelings
those feelings of mine, which i thought were long gone, are back.
this makes me feel so troubled, so confused, so..uncertain. and the feelings are just so ambigous. all muddled up.
God, be gracious to me and give me wisdom from above, that i may make the right decisions and may glorify Your name!
all i need is a clear mind, a break (not that i've a hectic life at the moment) and just to unwind and set aside all my worries and fears and concerns. i think i'd be fine. *i hope*
*beaches - charms that still allure...maybe this would help? ;)
Saturday, April 5, 2008
top 500 countdown
but that doesn't mean the song addict in me is free. not at the moment.
i first heard, well, not exactly first heard, but i heard the tune of 'Jesu, Joy of Man's desiring' in sydney when i was there. i was using one my aunty's spare phones cos i stupidly put sim lock on my own. and i used this tune as my ringtone. then, i went to jb hi-fi and saw josh groban's albums...and this song was one of them. i've a cd of it...and now, i'm addicted to this tune. i tricked my dad into letting me hear one last song of my choice before he play his own favourite cds...i put this song on, and clicked 'repeat' it kept repeating. after listening it to like 4-5 times, i confessed and told him it was his turn. hahaha... =)
the only problem with youtube is that the good ones are usually disabled for embedding. which is sad.
i've to start brushing up on my english. only about a month left. so i guess, i'll be blogging more often these days. but fret not, maybe i'll touch a lil bit on controversial issues...i'll love to express my views on the political situation in msia now..but there's always this fear of being 'too controversial'. i think the so-called "freedom of rights" stated in our constitution just does not exist. it's only there to 'pai sui' (hokkien saying).
i mean, look at the syariah law now. they even want to extend their syariah laws to the non-muslims now. when i first read bout the news that they were planning to bring the non-muslims to civil court for being caught in close-proximity cases with muslims, i thought nothing about it... and say it wouldn't affect me. (yeah, selfish i know)..then a couple of days later, i was like "no, that is soooooo wrong!" it's just one of their strategies to extend their authority over the non-muslims. first, khalwat involving non-muslims with everyone?
i like the statements made by one of those sisters-in-islam rep...she mentioned that it's abusing the rights of the people. which is so true...who gave this people the rights to start rampaging into people's privacy and private lives? i mean, there are so much more crucial issues to attend to? why not channel that effort and time into more beneficial stuffs? i guess, this will always be the problem.
you know, i've got mixed feelings about this 'pakatan rakyat' thingy. one part of me says that it's good. and i'm excited to see what changes and benefits the chinese will get. and i'm looking forward to seeing malaysia heading a new direction (a good one) and being less corrupted, and seeing justice prevail. but then again, politicians are always politicians and will always be. they are, to me, one of the biggest crooks in town. they use words, cleverly using them, stringing them one-by-one in such a perfect manner, it makes us, as listeners, brightened up. however, do they really carry out what they promise to do? time will tell...and we shall see about that. but what scares me is the thought of us, as chinese and as christians, losing out, in terms of perks and's scary, really.
i know not what the future holds, but this assurance i do have, and can strongly cling to...that the Lord Jesus will continue to be with me, to guide me and to lead me, for i know that He will never leave me, nor forsake me. that's my consolation. that's what i call comfort, and a promise which is being fulfilled even now, and will be at the end of time.
i never intended to touch on these issues now. but i guess, it's just one of those spur-of-the-moment thingy. i'll write more. and dicuss more intellectual stuffs more least for now. *promise*
the more i look at the political unrest we are facing, the more i want to leave the country. but how? that's the question. ;)
oh, one more thing before i call it a day..the umno issues. i mean they talk about all these issues and make them so "hangat" as if the umno elections is in a week's time. oh come on, it's in dec. so don't trust everything they say, it can be this today, but it can swing a whole 180 degrees tomorrow to that. that's politics. and that's the game that a lot of malaysians are monitoring so closely, which happens to include my blur sotong friend - 'ah lian'. lol.
okay, that's all for now. till then.
Friday, April 4, 2008
youtube spree
*why do i upload youtubes? why don't i just do a playlist? erm..cos i dunno how? *embarrassed* anyone kind enough to teach me, write to me. leave me a comment or anythg. thanks in advance!
specially dedicated to all of you out there "to go the distance"
enjoy the animation. :)
Fool Again...min, this song? evokes memories eh? lots and lots of them.
i like whitney houston a in a lot a lot a lot. i like most of her songs...and this is one of them. "where do broken hearts go?" can you please tell me?!!
that shall do for now. i'm afraid i've no other choice but to go to bed a sad, unsatisfied girl. hmmpph!
mission un-accomplished.
p/s: nothing interesting to blog about these inspiration, thus nothing interesting to say. maybe i'll come out with something better soon.
oh, i forgot to introduce to all of you the newest addition of the Kuan family - baby Isaiah James Diaz. born on March 24th, 2008.
isn't he cute? i can't wait to see him. i wished i could go over to sydney now and give him a big big hug.
okay, maybe now i can sleep better, i hope.
(i don't think sleeping would be a problem at all for me actually, especially if there's no exams or anything to worry about...hehe)
nitez, peeps!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Happy Birthday Minnie!!!
it's been wonderful knowing and getting to know you.
you're a sweet thing, and this is specially dedicated to you.
i thank God for a friend like you.
here's a toast to our 7 years of friendship. may there be many, many more sweet years ahead of us. love.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
An Easter Prayer
Thank You for the gift of HOPE
You gave us on Easter morning.
Because of You we know that no problem is too difficult
And even death does not have power over us.
Thank You for the gift of JOY
You gave us when You were resurrected.
Because of You we know that no matter how challenging life may be,
In the end we will rejoice again.
Thank You for the gift of LOVE
You gave us when You laid down Your life.
Because of You we know that there is no sin too great to separate us
And we are incredibly valuable to You.
Thank You for the gift of LIFE
You gave us when You left the tomb
Because of Easter we know this world is just the beginning
And we will spend forever in heaven with You.
We celebrate You, Jesus,
With hearts full of praise and gratitude
For who You are and all You’ve done for us!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Thank You, Lord!
May Your Will be done, Lord!
And teach me to be obedient to Your will...
And grant me wisdom, Lord to make the right decisions.
And may all glory and honour be lifted up to You.
Friday, March 7, 2008
aussie toilet bowl
it was a gift from Desmond koko and Vicky.
i thought it was a very nice gift - very very cute. and it has the words 'Australia' on it to remind me of my very memorable holiday.
Sydney's beautiful...and will always remain beautiful to me. unless something bad happens, which i hope will never happen. i'll love to go back again, visit/ migrate or whatever. it doesn't really matter. as long as it's sydney. =)
Sunday, March 2, 2008
three dots = ...
have you ever get mad at someone (usually girls) at the way they behave and the way they try to behave? i'm not going to mention names here, as usual.
the story goes this way -- this girl that i know (we don't really talk much, but i see her all the time) i know a tiny bit bout her, not much though. but we used to like, smile at each other, wave or just a simple hi everytime we met.
very recently, she's got a boyfriend. so what, right? boyfriend only wert? but no, she's different. she thinks she's super great now. she walks with some "special air". i don't quite know what air though. she doesn't say hi, no smiles. so snobbish.
she's an example of the many i know out there. what's with this attitude huh?
leave me comments if you've seen people like that too...who changes after getting struck by love?
i'm not being a sour-graped sore loser..but what's so bad about being unattached for now? i've got liberty to do as i please okay? and to meet as many people i want to for now. besides, i'm still young. i don't plan to settle down like in 2 years, so there's really no rush.
okay okay. i lied. i'm dying to be loved and to love. haha...but i'm not desperate. that "dying" word was just a figure of speech. hehe...of course i'll love to have someone that i look forward to seeing everyday also, but at least not at the moment. so why do u have to act as if you're showing off huh? i can show off my "single-ness" too, u know?
leave me comments!!!
and, i know i shouldn't be mad at people. it's just not worth it, cos i'll get wrinkles and stuffs like that? what lar? (ooh, my lahs are coming out....again) a girl who's barely 20 talking about wrinkles? then, what does that make my grandma? hehe..a dinasaur? no! haha...
ok, back to those people. they are boys! but they have mouths like girls. goodness *smacks forehead* *smacks again* trust me, meet this couple of guys, then you'll know. they gossip like mad. and they talk about things that are not important at all. and the questions they like asking??? *smacks forehead again* if they were pretty girls, i'd have called them bimbos. but they are not pretty, neither are they girls. they are not "boys" either, and neither are they good looking. so i really don;t know what to call them? jerks, perhaps? huhu...
never mess with licia..never step on her foot. she bites! and she bites real hard. so BEWARE!
as for that couple of guys...i'll look away and try not to have to see their faces. but when i've no choice, and i've to be near them, i'll snap back real hard...hard enough for them to regret asking me those silly questions. i'm not as mean as u think i am. i'm just sensible. and if you're wondering, "then why even be near them?" or "sendiri cari pasal". let me answer you by saying this, "i just have no choice. really."
one post on girls, one on guys. both on the same group of people. i'm not biased.
i sometimes behave like one...but in different aspects. but that's mainly for amusement purposes. see how kind and toughtful i am? cheering people up at my own expense.
... (end with three dots)
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
my new look
and she decided to get it cut real short since she doesn't have to abide by school rules anymore. even mom was shocked when she saw the hairstylist cutting off that much hair. hehe..
i like it, i'm not really bothered whether people like it or not. to me, it's refreshing. after long, long hair. i don't miss my long locks at all. not the slightest bit. most people have complimented so that's good news. i wanted to cut my hair real short back then...when i was still in school, but i wanted a tie-able length by stpm. so that was my problem. and i wanted a decent hairlength for the wedding. so what better time to cut it than now??? lol.
and we figured out this theory - women in shorter hair do not look as attractive if compared to women with longer hair. it's like long hair has that sex appeal. if you walk down the street and you see 2 woman, one in short hair and the other in long hair, both with as flattering bodies, you'll tend to give the woman with the longer hair your first look. trust me. if you don't believe, try it for yourself. but remember k? it has to be 2 women who are just as good looking. don't compare an aunty in long hair with a young hottie in short hair k? then, this theory does not work.
looks like the theory doesn't quite work with me either. hehe.. i think the second photo of myself looks better. you wanna know why? because i pick the ugliest picture of me for the before one. and the nicer picture for the after one. huhu.. =D
on a side note, i visited my ex-school today (i like that ex- word there). some people couldn't recognise me. huhu. it was nice meeting ex-teachers and ex-schoolmates.
going back brought back lotsa memories. mostly pleasant ones. i only had unpleasant flashbacks when i met people i never wanted to meet again back then on my last day of school. but overall, it was a very sweet reunion with my alma mater. will be going back again to get more documents certified. and besides, results should be out real soon. i'm anxious and excited at the same time.
God, help me to be obedient to whatever You call me to. and may Your Will be done in my life! ~Amen~
Nites, peeps!
p/s: Phobz, if you're reading this, leave a comment on my cbox. if it doesn't allow you to do that again, let me know. i'll *kill* it! can it not let my cuzzie miles and miles away leave a comment? but kenneth seems to be able to leave msges. hehe...talking about favoritism. boohoo!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
i got this from my devotional Our Daily Bread. it's a very meanignful one and i thought i'll share this with all of you.
"The best place to find love is not in another person but in a book, the Bible. The Bible tells of God’s great love for us. This is expressed in what my friend called the best love note she had ever received. It’s found in John 3:16.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Happy CNY '08!
we'd new year's eve's dinner at our place last night. it was a pleasant one. but nothing beats the Kuan's!
went to church this morning. enjoyed meeting so many people that i've not seen over the last couple of months. although it was short, but it was wonderful catching up with some of you.
i'll catch up with u peeps soon!
went to grandma's for lunch and more reunion. pretty exciting playing with the younger ones. they were superbly entertaining. they put a smile on my face.
it's good to be back although i very much still miss sydney and everyone there. but it's great to be home! in fact, mom has been missing me so much, we've been chatting all day long for the past couple of days. i guess she's just too excited about having me back after 5 very long weeks. hehe..
the house was so different to me when i get home. i opened the door and saw something i'd never seen before. it's good to be away for awhile cos when u get back u see a whole new thing. it's a feeling that cannot be described in words. i'm enjoying every single of what life has to offer for me and as mie puts it, " i've all the time in the world and am the free-est person!"
i'll just like to say my thank you's here.
1. Father God
If not for His great blessings, i'd not have had the opportunity to go to the land down under. I love You, Lord. i love You!
2. Pa and Mie
i love the both of you from the very bottom of my heart. mie, thank you for getting dad to agree with me being away from home for so long! thank you for financing the entire trip. and i believe that this trip has also brought all of us closer. i love you!!!!
3. Uncle Stan and Aunty Ivy
the both of you have been so hospitable. you have made my stay in sydney so comfortable to the extend of me finding it hard to leave. thank you so much for everything. you treated me like i was part of the family. really looking forward to seeing the both of you soon.
4. Uncle CK and Aunty Grace
thank you for having me around at your place. it was great catching up with u, si ee. and it was great fun with the twins.
5. Uncle Santiago and Aunty Emily
i love playing triominos with the both of you and watched you beat me from behind. i love the japanese food we had. and i enjoyed your company a lot.
6. Pascal and Davina
paccy, you are a real gentleman. davina chee chee, thank you so much for taking me all over the place and for taking time to be with me. it was a lovely time being with the both of u. thank you!
7. Desmond and Victoria
it was great getting to know the both of you better. it was lovely doing aqua with u vic. n even more beautiful going to manly with you and boogie board. missing the both of you here.
i'm missing all of them already. and i really hope i can make it to the Reunion in Hawaii in 2009. but i hope i won't have to wait for that long. i hope i'll be able to see you real soon. hehe.. :)
in short, licia's a happy happy girl who loves the Lord and her family!
have a great time celebrating with your loved ones, peeps!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Goodbye, sydney!
i'll be leaving in 3 hours time. so if you feel like going to the airport, go! go and welcome me. hehe..
my cousins came over last night to say goodbye. davina chee chee and paccy gave me something from church. and desmond koko and vic gave me an aussie toilet bowl. will post a pic of it soon.
i've never spend so much time away from home before. and i really had the time of my life.
i'm getting a lil emo-ed now. so i shall leave.
people at home, people in msia, you'll have to see this face of mine soon. like it or not.
pa and mie, i doubt u've been reading (which is good actually) i love you!!!! can't wait to meet all of you tonight.
people in australia, i'll miss you.
Monday, February 4, 2008
BEWARE! licia's all emo-ed
i'm a lil stressed up right now with a lot on my mind. thus, an emo-ed post.
was going through some friends' friendster profiles. managed to read a few comments on their profile. and i got disgusted. why? i'll tell you why.
" good ar u!!haha^u not stay kl de meh?hehe "
why de?
"'s ok la...i won mind de..haha..sick ad!!!walao...wana CNY liao leh...hw r u ad???gt c doctor???rmb 2 eat medicine,,,drink mor water..o els i wil dan xin de leh...XPmi aaa...on de way sick liao...T.T"
this is a real sick girl. even if she claims to be "sick on the way" and she's dan xin. i would be if i were her.
"U got learn japanese ar? ?wher u learn...i also wan...tell me...Pls..............."
yeah i take japanese lessons. you sure u want another language when u r struggling with one that's very widely spoken worldwide. i suggest that u PLEASE take ENGLISH instead. or just put in more effort in writing in proper tenses. not that i speak excellent english. but at least i'm not that detestable.
i can't quote the sites and the names of the people. it's due to privacy reasons. i still have a heart. not that heart-less.
okay okay. i know. i'm not in a position to say anything, but if it makes me feel better, why not?
i can never imagine myself saying such things. especially not after i've been in sydney for 8 weeks with hardly any manglish spoken. hit me hard if you hear me saying such things okay? i'm pretty determined not to even use -lahs and -ahs.
and if you think those comments are enough to kill me, wait till you see some of the pictures with the titles. it's gruesome! it's...yucky! i can throw up now.
alright, feli flee! yeah...i better go before i say more things which i may regret later on.
and by the way, GOLDIE was 3 yesterday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! i'll be home soon. very soon. i promise. and then i'll cuddle you to sleep and kiss you till you get so sick of it. i promise!
EDIT: i felt pretty bad after publishing the post, yet not bad enough to make me remove it. but bad enough to add a note. i quickly went through all my archives. erm, some of them, not all. i don't have that much time. i went through to see if i'd posts with such terrible manglish in it. now i'm convinced and pretty confident that i've not. so i can go on "kutuk-ing them de!" all the edited parts are in green.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
an eventful week
cousins' day out. we all met at des and vic's place. had burittos for lunch. yummy mexican food.
then, we had a few rounds of games.
about 6pm, we headed to balmoral beach. jumped off the pier again. i've posted pictures on facebook. pretty good ones. it was a shame that i ran out of battery halfway.
we got back and had risotto for dinner - all made by des. dee made salad which may not have looked that good (because it was all green) but it tasted really good. see? looks can be deceiving.
a few more rounds of games and photos, then we left. it's probably our last cousin meeting before i leave next tuesday.
the twins and i watched "the notebook" at midnight. when i played the movie, i had no idea what it was. the minute i saw two elderly people, i knew i'd watched it before. i kinda fall asleep in the middle of the movie. cos really...there's nothing that exciting about it once you've watched it before unlike "how to lose a guy in 10 days".
TUESDAY, 29th Jan
the twins left at about 9am when aunty emily came to pick em up.
i followed uncle stan to the city. he had an appointment with the dentist.
so we had an early lunch or brunch as i'd call it. then he left for the dentist, while i left to do my own shopping. the big problem was i forgot to bring my phone out, didn't wear a watch and didn't have my camera with me either. so i'd no idea what time it was at all. and i was suppose to meet him at the dentist's place at 12.30pm.
i wandered around the area, but cleverly remembering all the landmarks and street names. the last thing i wanted to happen is to get lost. i just kept walking, and walkin and walkin and then came across this clothes store which had so much attractive stuff. i got in there and started putting on clothes. then it struck me, that time was passing by. i quickly asked the sales assistant what time it was, rushed out and literally ran all the way back to the dentist. and guess what? uncle stan wasn't done yet and i'd to wait until 1.15pm. so much for the running. lol
we went for a movie that night - "waterhorse"
i'd this preconceived idea that it was going to be a scary one. it turned out to be good not just un-scary. lol.
one thing about australia that shocked me is the movies. they are released much later than other parts of the world which also happens to include malaysia. like the other time when i went to watch "i am legend", i initially wanted to show off to my brother. and so i texted him and said "boy, guess what? i'm watching daa daa daa...." and he replied, "che, i watched it like 2 weeks ago!" and i'm like "what????"
and fashion sense as well, i thought it'll be faster than malaysia. guess i was wrong. it's about the same timing too.
i slept in till really late yesterday morning. i only got up at about 10am. (hey! that's VERY late okay?)
we went to excelsion (mie, that was the place we had dinner the day we arrived)
it serves really good food. but it's a very long drive. about an hour's drive. and it was burning yesterday. it's like sydney has been experiencing very weird weather changes recently. one day, there's a storm. the next day, you have a msian humid weather.
it was so hot yesterday not forgetting it was really humid. on a day like that, only the beach seems inviting. even shopping doesn't soung good to me. if i can't go to the beach, then i want to stay indoors. speaking about beaches, i texted mom the other day and said, "mie, your daughter is now chow-tah!" and she said, "i hope we can still recognise you when we pick you up"
you see? i came as a chinese but i'm going back as a malay - to celebrate chinese new year. how ironic is that? you tell me. i kept telling aunty ivy. i said, "i don't have to bother to dress up anymore. cos it does not matter. even a beautiful dress fails to brighten me up. i just look so dull" and she said, "well, you like the beach so much?" and i said, "yeah, i love the beach. if vicky's taking me there again this weekend, i'll still go..hehe"
a real confused girl huh. a complain freak! lol.
i took jazz for an evening walk last night. and this smart girl decided that she wanted to take a different route because she was tired of the same old things and wanted a longer walk after the big dinner she had. it turned out to be -SHE GOT LOST! lol. it was late. and she didn't know where she was. she just kept walking. poor jazz was so tired, she decided that she didn't want to walk anymore if this person holding her can't decide where she wants to go. i'd to carry her for a few minutes and phew! thank God, i got my bearings and found my way home. lol. good thing i'd jazz!
THURSDAY, which happens to be today (okay, it's so not funny)
we went to chatswood to get some photos enlargement done. and then we went to double bay for lunch.
double bay is a real expensive area where celebrities hang out. we saw some aussie celebs at the restaurant we had lunch the last time (when mom was still in aus)
my uncle says, "it's double pay!"
we were walking around the area. and we went to this shoe shop. a few items were on sale. the shoes were displayed as if they were sold in a flea market and guess how much they were? $400 aussie!!!!! oh my goodness! they were all designer labels. jimmy choo, d&g, balenciaga and a lot of aussie designers.
let's pause for a quick weather update - still hot, as hot as ever, i reckon it's preparing me for malaysian weather. and you know how hot malaysia is every chinese new year! but it's not that humid today.
i'm thinking of watching another movie tonight. i'll go pick now. see ya peeps.
ooh,and i heard that uncle stan and aunty ivy's taking me out to a very nice place for dinner tomorrow night. i think it's sheraton on the park. it's in the city. i saw pictures taken there. and it was nice. i'll bring my camera tomorrow. i have to.
and i'm going for another walk after dinner tonight. lol. no more getting lost.
Monday, January 28, 2008
australia day and sunday
i followed uncle stan and aunty ivy for breakfast in the city. des and vic came too.
after breakfast, we went over to des and vic's place. we helped him installed his dvd player. then, we went for aqua aerobics. it was so much fun. cos the music was all march-like and parade-like.
went back to longueville to take my shower and followed des and vic out again.
about 1pm, vic dropped me at the train station. took a train to the city-wynyard stop.
waited at mcd on george street to meet dee and paccy who were attending french classes in the city.
davina chee chee took me around the rocks. we went to the rocks market. the sun was burning. but it was so fun. the place was packed. the festival of sydney was still going on.
we walked around for almost 4 hours, then boarded a bus to go back to dee's place.
we snacked, then took a short nap. paccy plays semi-professional soccer (as in football) for Manly United. and he was playing that night against western sydney berries. (yeah, a lousy name, but they played pretty well.)
dee and i went for the match. a pretty good game. they played well and it was very exciting.
after the football match, dee dropped me at the jenkins'. (uncle stan and aunty ivy were having dinner with the jenkins') i had a yummy dessert - sticky date pudding with ice-cream.
we chatted for a lil while. and left about 11ish.
there were a few things i'd wanted to do in sydney. and these were the 3 things which i did it all in a single day.
1. take a train (and i took it all by myself, not bad eh?)
2 visit the rocks
3. watch paccy play
i was a happy happy girl that night.
church service at st. andrews uniting church was at 9.30 am.
guess what time yours truly woke up? 9.05 am!
rushed to the washroom to wash-up, then changed. and off she went.
went to chatswood chase for lunch. went back home to pack my stuff.
helped aunty ivy to arrange the photos from the wedding. they're beautiful.
des and vic came to pick me up. we headed straight to balmoral beach. the guys from their church were playing beach cricket. they normally play touchfootball every sunday. but they decided to play beach cricket this week instead. i was sitting down at the beach watching them play with totally no idea whatsoever of how the game works even after numerous people have explained the game to me. it wasn't a game that i was interested in. so i guess, i don't bother to learn it up either. even if it's just watching it.
then the girls came up with this brilliant idea of heading down to a cafe to have iced coffees. vicky and i grabbed ice-creams instead. how refreshing? ice-creams on a hot sunday afternoon.
after food, some of the girls changed into their swimmers. vic and i were already in our swimmers. instead of going to the beach and swim out to the sea, guess what yours truly did to get into the water? we jumped from the pier!!!!! i wished we had photos of it. it was so cool.
imagine jumping from somethg high to get into the water???!!!! and then in you go into cold water. haha...and the best part is, you won't be able to stand on the ground. haha...
i'll do that again if we go to balmoral.
after the beach, we dried ourselves then followed des and vic to church for the 6pm service.
they attend an anglican church in mosman. which was also where the wedding was held.
after service, we went to get thai takeaway dinner and went to matt's place (des and vic's church friend) to watch TENNIS! it was a real exciting match. Novak Djokovic vs Jo-Wilfried Tsonga. i was for djokovic while the other girls were all for tsonga. i've watched most of djokovic's games and liked him eversince. we were all tensed up and nervous. fixing our eyes onto the tv screen. djokovic won 4-6, 6-4, 6-3, 7-6. a 3 hrs 6 minutes game.
it was 11pm when we left matt's place. we headed back to longueville. the twins were waiting for me. we were suppose to watch 'the notebook' together. guess not anymore. when i got home, it was so late and i haven't had my bath. so by the time i got out from the shower it was past midnight. and then the 3 of us helped ji ee with more photos arrangement. it was 2.30 am by the time we got to bed.
what's up for today??? it's cousins' day out!
we'll be going over to des and vic's for lunch in a couple of hours time.
we'll probably be going to manly for BEACH! it's a hot sunny day and it's for the BEACH! lol.
and if we do go to manly, vic and i will probably go to max brenner's again. lol.
see ya peeps!!!! in exactly a week.
Friday, January 25, 2008
a picture speaks a thousand words
i'll try to upload as many as i can. depending on the speed okay?
before i post up the pictures, just a lil' update.
on wednesday, vicky and i went to manly beach. we didn't surf. but we did boogie boarding. we were at the beach for a pretty long time. the waves were awesome. it was so much fun.
and after the beach, we headed to max brenner the chocolate bar! yummy. i was like a lil' kid who got excited with everything i saw.
The house specialty is the Suckao, a small metal bowl sitting over a small flame. You mix chocolate shavings - choose white, milk or dark - with hot milk and wait for it to melt, then you suck it through the metal straw/spoon/ thingy provided... YUM!
we also ordered the belgian waffle. it was served with ice-cream, strawberries and bananas. and i'm telling u it was so so good! if they open one in KL, i'll go again.
delicious isn't it? i regret not bringing my own camera to manly. then i could have taken so many more pictures. these pictures were taken from the net. but they look exactly the same. and if i'd taken my camera, i'll have pictures of myself boogie boarding! arrgghh! but that was because we just leave all our belongings on the beach when we are in the water. so it's a lil risky bringing valuables.
oh and on thursday, which was yesterday, we went to the taronga zoo.
i've posted the pictures on facebook. in fact, there are a lot more pictures in facebook.
which includes pictures taken at the wedding.
so if you are interested to have a look but just realised that you're not my friend. my name is licia tan. that should be sufficient. and i'll decide whether i want to add you or not. lol. just kidding.
alright, pictures. no more talking.
the more i listen to it, the more i like it.
Miracle by Cascada
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
more updates...
*aqua aerobics
*tasmania trip
*blue mountains and jenolan caves
(almost had sydney festival 2008 listed too. sighz)
looks like i've been doing a lot. in fact, ever since everyone (from overseas) left, i've been out everyday.
went to the city again today. spent a few couple of hours there shopping.
then, i had dinner at a french restaurant in willoughby. desmond and victoria were there too.
delicious food. it was a shame i didn't snap a few shots of it. crepe suzette was lovely. lol
what's up for tomorrow? gym. probably tagging along with uncle stan for his personal training. hopefully he wouldn't mind. then vicky's coming to pick me up and we'll be going to manly beach. if the waves are too dangerous, then we'll do roller blading. or else we'll be surfing. woots! or boogie boarding. we'll see how. and later in the evening, aqua aerobics in lane cove. i'm loving it. i wish i could get that in malaysia too.
see? yours truly have been training hard so as to not turn up flabby for cny! lol. not so much of losing weight but more of toning up. lol. yeah right!
hopefully, i won't pile it up. i'm enjoying all this exercise. i even took jazz out for a short walk this morning after gym and before aerobics. haha...good eh? i'm fitter than u think right now.
signing out,
i wanna watch sharapova against henin now.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
tasmanian trip
interesting experience.
when we arrived at hobart, uncle stan hired a car and drove straight to port arthur's, stopping somewhere in the middle to have lunch.
port arthur's cool. it's not a port. it was a prison centuries ago. it's more like a historical place than a port where ships dock. i'm not in the mood to write now. but thought i'll just do a short update. so excuse me for the bad writing.
during the british reign, port arthur's the place where they send all the criminals to. it's safe-for the criminals cos it's in the woods and surrounded by lots of water. we took a short tour around the place. and i even went on the harbour cruise. that was really nice. i went to the upper deck, to take some photos. i've a few good shots. the wind was so strong and it was really cool. i can't explain it in words. it was just amazing standing there experiencing another wonderful creation of God. scenery was beautiful.
we went to the tasman national park after that. 1 word. splendid.
we stopped by at kingston for tea then head over to david's place.
a short introduction about david's place. he lives at the foot of a mountain. the journey there is pretty long considering that tasmania is not that big. and the roads leading to his place is....erm, how should i put it? let's just say it was difficult.
he has his own farm. a very big piece of land but i wonder why they don't build bigger houses. yeah, costly i know. but maintaining that big peice of land is not that easy either.
he has cattles, horses, dogs, cats. he grows all sorts of trees - apples, plum, raspberries, apricots.
i wished i was pre-warned before i went. cos i was caught dumb founded. i didn't know what to expect and was pretty shocked with what i saw when i first arrived. i guess, i adapted pretty well. his wife, romaine makes good food. they served me beef most of the time, from their own cattle. yeah, i nearly choked when i was about to taste the spaghetti bolagnaise she made when she said, oh this beef is from our own cattle. i mean, i eat meat, and i love meat. but how am i suppose to react when i'm about to put that spoonful of food into my mouth and then someone comes along and say, that's from our own cattle. goodness! but the beef taste realy different. i won't disagree with david that the meat melts in your mouth. it was that good.
sleeping that night was pretty hard. you should know why.
the next day (friday), we went to a few other places. we went to the city. town sounds more like it though. it's really quiet there. hardly any cars in the area. i agree with uncle stan. it's a place where you'll enjoy holidaying but certainly not living there making a living.
we went to see tigersnakes, salmon and trout fishery. the mount field national park.
and in the evening, i had no idea what itme it was, i guess it was already 8/9 by then. but anyways, david took me in his truck into the woods to see wallabies. lol. and pure water. they said it was scary but i think it was fine. but yeah, it was really really dark.
imagine a girl with her nails painted a light coat of pink, in a pretty spaghetti top with embroidery, paired up with denim pants, wearing her jewellery riding on the back of a tractor? sounds like a scene from the simple life huh? no! it was me. i was in a way, forced to follow him on that trip. wished i had pictures of it though. it was fun. but not so fun when his big dog, wolf walked past me after he went into a pool of mud. yucks!
we went for fish and chips at salamanca bay. we went to the salamanca market too before leaving for the airport. but nothing interesting enough for me to buy. which is good news in a way.
i'm getting more used to planes now. wasn't sick at all. in fact i only slept one-ish the next day watching the tennis matches of hewitt against some other fellow. lol. hewitt won. and guess how long was the whole game? 4hrs and 45 minutes.
back to the gym tomorrow. and aqua aerobics with vic in the evening at lane cove.
i only have 2 weeks left before heading home. mixed feelings.
Monday, January 14, 2008
it was burning yday. i felt so faintish when i was at st andrews uniting church. and guess what? in the evening, there was a storm. 13000-15000 homes had power loss. didn't affect us. thank God.
happy bday james! will see u soon in klang.
27 dresses tomorrow. schweet!
dad and mom and ah boy, i love u.
mie, have u been reading? leave me a msg on the chatbox. dad, wht bout u?
way cool parents i have. lol.
weather update: really cool here. and david called from tassie saying it's cold down there.
wht's wrong with this girl? she said bye and then continued yakking. lol...
jazzie says hi. goldie and tasha, i miss u to bits. heard from vicky that tasha was in the crate the whole time huh? boy, let her out!
i'll be back tash! u still remember me?
okie, i;m getting way outta hand. i better leave. now. yeah, now.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
more updates...
i am legend, hostage, miss congeniality 2.
medibank tennis tournament at sydney olympic park on wednesday. watch 3 matches. winners of all 3 matches made it into the finals. had lotsa fun with davina chee chee.
and now i know everythg about tennis. oh ok, not everythg, almost everythg. almost everythg i need to know. hehe.
spent thursday and friday at the twins' place. more swimming and ice skating. pictures on facebook.
i'm sorry. i know everyone likes pictures in blogs. but i'm too lazy. i'll probably post my pictures up when i get home. 3 weeks. 3 weeks time. n i'll be home.
went to chinatown this morning. dinner with my uncle's friends tonight.
a very short update. not a very interesting one though. haha.. people aren't reading anyway. maybe when i get back, i won't blog anymore. sighz. response so bad. yeah, my fault. i don't write interestingly enough for all u out there. sobs~
Monday, January 7, 2008
7th jan
mie and pa, in case you were wondering, i went out shopping at westfield, bondi junction today.
movie tomorrow. "i am legend"
on wed, i'm going to sydney olympic park. medibank tennis tournament. woot! i'd to get my uncle to explain the basics of the game to me. like how they tabulate the scores and etc. haha..
this trip has been a very knowledgeable one. a very well-rounded one i'd say.
i've never discussed the christian faith more than i have in the past couple of weeks than in my entire life. it's almost everyday.
when i got to sydney, i became very dry spiritually. yeah, i still did my daily devotion but i realised i did not commune with the Lord like i did before. i thank God for the visit to hillsong church. He spoke to me and rekindled the fire in me. praise the Lord! looking forward to the days ahead spent with my Saviour and King! it'll be a terrific year. i'm sure.
Jehovah Jireh! my provider. My God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in glory.
and this trip has also made me stand more firmly in my faith. like when there are contradictory views, i still maintain my stand. which is a good thing especially in today's world. at least i won't be easily swayed and influenced. may the Lord continue to give me grace~~
that's all for now.
signing out...
Saturday, January 5, 2008
pool birthday party
we had great fun. the weather's been a lil unusual lately. it pours suddenly and then stops.
had to cancel plans for the dance. it was actually the festival of sydney. i missed it. sighz.
but at least i get to stay over. maybe a few rounds of bang and bohnanza later. that'll be cool.
following uncle ck and aunt grace to church tomorrow. wes is here too.
and dee will be picking us up and taking us to hillsong. haha.. will tell u bout it soon.
the twins had more boys invited than girls. imagine so many boys in a pool together. and i must say, they've pretty good looking guy friends. haha...with nice names too. hank, ryan, blake, jordon, brendon, alfred, scott, bill. haha...the first two are good looking. i've this special liking for the name ryan. haha...and ryan happened to be a handsome, friendly guy. thank God he's 3 years younger. or else i'll be goo-goo-gaa-gaa-ing. hehe...
wes had this silly idea of doing synchronised swimming. will show some of u the video when i get back. lol. tht was hillarious.
nitez...that's all for now.
port stephens
i like to write in short sentences now. getting rid of my long-windedness. will see how well i succeed.hehe..
went to nelson's though i didn't buy anything. lunch. resort.walk around the marina. nice yachts and boats. luxurious ones. strolled on the beach. played a couple of rounds of tri-ominos. played pool. on our way home.
stopped by at my uncle's horse trainer's place. beautiful place. lotsa horses. saw two horses right in front of me. beautiful. large. awesome. btw, they are racehorses.
japanese for dinner at chatswood. home. sleep.
pool party today. the twins' 17th birthday. meeting wes too. yippie~ another cousin's hangout.
will be seeing hank.haha..interesting.
dance tonight. lessons on jive and salsa. will see how it goes.
signing out,
Thursday, January 3, 2008
short quickie
just in case you were wondering, i ushered in the new year watching the fireworks display in sydney harbour bridge, darling harbour and a few other places. live. lol. getting envious eh?
God's great. He always is and always will be. looking forward to the year. more to learn. more to share. more to live out. new experiences. new people. more! yeah~~
been busy lately. went to jenolan caves and the blue mountain today with wesley. had heaps of fun. i enjoyed the trip just as much as i enjoyed his company. it was a great time catchin up with each other and it's so nice to be able to talk to someone who shares similiar views with u on diffrent issues.
beautiful sceneries. kept me in awe. lots of working out today. probably climbed more than 2000 steps. not those tiny steps. large steps. short legs. imagine. the lucas cave was supposed to be strenous activity. at least that was what the brochure said.
really enjoyed. thanks mom and dad for this opportunity to be here. it's wonderful. thanks to my uncle and aunt too. doubt anyone will ever read though. haha
port stephens tomorrow. leaving very early. 6am. msian time-3 am. haha..
another exciting day. meeting uncle santiago and aunty emily. men-golf, women-chitchatting. typical. still thinking what i'll be doing.
saturday : the twins' pool bday party. and more. will update then.
peeps at church, visiting hillsong this sun! yippies! now u hate me. haha..
hate all u want. i'll tell u more when i get home. haha..just kidding.
gtg.early morning tomorrow.
dad and mom, in case you are reading, i called 4 times. of which i still couldn't get u. will text u.
busy people. lols.
p/s: realise, no more lahs and ahs....getting rid of them.hehe