may the new year bring more love, joy and peace to all of you! <3
2009 flew by so quickly. it's really scary, coming to think of it.
i've decided to re-activate my blog for the time being, especially since i'll be away, soon. and keeping a lil journal of what happens when i'm away is like memoribilia to me. so privacy settings have been changed to "open for all" :)
i guess, there'll be more updates on what's happening when i'm away for 3 weeks, than when i'm around for an entire year. haha!
a quick reminisence of 2009.
2009 started on a dull and sad note due to the demise of a dear friend's mom.
it picked up a bit towards feb 09, when uni started again.
honestly, i cant even remember what happened in the entire month of january.
oh wait, there were lots of late nights, lots of gossip girls and lots of kk-klang-kk-kuantan facebook correspondence *winks* until it got a lil too edgy. XD
maybe this jan it'd be kk-klang-kuantan-sydney correspondence?
i received my first bouquet of flowers on valentine's. i kept and dried them for months, and only recently threw them out because dad kept complaining there was an unsightly smell coming from my washroom. lol.
relatives came to visit, which is always a pleasant happy thing for me. :)
but that only gives me temporal joy, cos i dislike separation and farewells. but that's just part of life - a time to meet, a time to scatter.
life became overwhelming shortly after that and it has been a real rollercoaster ride ever since, in all aspects of my life.
i feel like the span of a year in my life has been reduced to the span of each sememster. in other words, i've completed 2 semesters this year, and it feels like two years have quickly passed. each semester had its own set of challenges, tears and joy. if i told you med school is easy peasy, that would be a BiG lie! it hasnt been easy, but God has been my constant tower of refuge, my ever-present help in trouble.
with all said and done, i'm grateful to the Lord for seeing me through all the challenges, difficulties and trials that i've gone through over the past year. it is only by His grace that i am who i am today and with a heart full of thanksgiving, i bid the old year farewell and welcome the new year 2010 with faith and trust that God will continue to provide and to guide.
the past year have changed me into a licia i dont quite recognise anymore. perhaps it would be good to take these couple of months to ponder and to reflect upon my life, and to re-discover myself. but that doesnt mean all changes are bad. :)
p/s: i miss you!
love, licia
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