u noe....when a lil child is born...u gotta give it a lot of love and attention, feeding it bout almost every hour...haha...n tht's exactly wht i'm doin with my lil baby....so tht it would not starve....hehe
okie....to the topic...i dunno how many of u read star two today? i'm pretty sure the headlines hv caught ur attention and u were probably most engrossed with pages 1-3....n probably skipped chong sheau ching's article.....hehe.....i shall not discuss the pages 1-3 thingy here....it's outta my topic....if u noe it, u noe it...if not, then it's up to u to find out....
csc wrote on gender equality...and went on to mention the degratory remarks about woman....i shall admit here that i'm pretty sexist...n i will defend the females to as long as i live....hehe...
so the saying on boiling carrots, eggs and oolong.....
boiling carrots : when u boil carrots, they become soft right?
yeah...same goes with women in the yesteryears....they succumb to pressure and admit defeat in the battle with men.....they r labeled the 'softies'...who do not stand up for their rights....or should i say they r ignorant (and in this case here, ignorance is certainly no bliss) and do not noe their rights...hence, being bullied by the stronger race...
boiling eggs : when u boil eggs, they become hard right?
yeaps....tht's what women are today...they've evolved to become stronger (maybe not physically but emotionally and mentally)....they are the result of ur constant discrimination, men! (u regret ur past actions now, do u?) so women these days have become tougher....and are no longer that susceptible to discrimination and sexism.....we do not want to be the more inferior gender.....
boiling oolong : and what happens when u boil oolong/tea? the colour comes out aight? the colour around it changes huh?
we want to be women who can influence the ppl around us, we want to be able to convince ppl of their rights....we do not want to rule, we only want equality...we want to be treated with respect, with dignity...and tell me, is tht too much to ask? y is it that we have to continuously endure sexist and degratory remarks against us? how much longer do we have to bear with ur nonsensical 'humours'? who gave u the right n the authority to make fun of us...r u not aware of who bore u into this world n moulded u to be who u r today? then give her n her race some respect, men!!!
men,let us treat the women around us today with respect and dignity....
and women, let us stand up for our own rights and be bold and courageous....and be the oolongs of the millenium!
~here's a toast to all the women in the world today!~
okie....to the topic...i dunno how many of u read star two today? i'm pretty sure the headlines hv caught ur attention and u were probably most engrossed with pages 1-3....n probably skipped chong sheau ching's article.....hehe.....i shall not discuss the pages 1-3 thingy here....it's outta my topic....if u noe it, u noe it...if not, then it's up to u to find out....
csc wrote on gender equality...and went on to mention the degratory remarks about woman....i shall admit here that i'm pretty sexist...n i will defend the females to as long as i live....hehe...
so the saying on boiling carrots, eggs and oolong.....
boiling carrots : when u boil carrots, they become soft right?
yeah...same goes with women in the yesteryears....they succumb to pressure and admit defeat in the battle with men.....they r labeled the 'softies'...who do not stand up for their rights....or should i say they r ignorant (and in this case here, ignorance is certainly no bliss) and do not noe their rights...hence, being bullied by the stronger race...
boiling eggs : when u boil eggs, they become hard right?
yeaps....tht's what women are today...they've evolved to become stronger (maybe not physically but emotionally and mentally)....they are the result of ur constant discrimination, men! (u regret ur past actions now, do u?) so women these days have become tougher....and are no longer that susceptible to discrimination and sexism.....we do not want to be the more inferior gender.....
boiling oolong : and what happens when u boil oolong/tea? the colour comes out aight? the colour around it changes huh?
we want to be women who can influence the ppl around us, we want to be able to convince ppl of their rights....we do not want to rule, we only want equality...we want to be treated with respect, with dignity...and tell me, is tht too much to ask? y is it that we have to continuously endure sexist and degratory remarks against us? how much longer do we have to bear with ur nonsensical 'humours'? who gave u the right n the authority to make fun of us...r u not aware of who bore u into this world n moulded u to be who u r today? then give her n her race some respect, men!!!
men,let us treat the women around us today with respect and dignity....
and women, let us stand up for our own rights and be bold and courageous....and be the oolongs of the millenium!
~here's a toast to all the women in the world today!~
The Strength of A Woman
A strong woman works out everyday to keep her body in shape,
but a woman of strength kneels in prayer to keep her soul in shape.
A strong woman isn't afraid of anything,
but a woman of strength shows her courage in the midst of her fear.
A strong woman won't let anyone get the best of her,
but a woman of strength gives the best of her to everyone.
A strong woman walks sure footedly,
but a woman of strength knows that God will catch her when she falls.
A strong woman wears the look of confidence on her face,
but a woman of strength wears grace.
A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey, but a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong.
Just wanted to share this with you...hope u've been blessed by it. Have a great day!!!
hey yi wen...tht was a real good one....can i post it up...dun worry..i'll give u the credit...but i doubt it's ur masterpiece...haha...better give credit to its author..lolz
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