Dearest Mie,
You mean all the world to me....thank you for being such the wonderful mother you are...i couldn't have asked for have taught me the most invaluable lessons in life, bringing me up in the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, teaching me to love and to care for the less fortunate and the 'not so lovely' ones, instillin in me a sense of discipline, good virtues and moral values...i could go on and on..and the list would probably never come to an end because every second spent with you exposes me more to the wisdom that you have acquired over the years! mommy dearest, i love you from the very botttom of my heart....and may the Lord our GOD continue to bless you abundantly to be the woman mentioned in Proverbs 31! i'm truly sorry for everything that i've done which have hurt you in any manner or ways.....Mie, i love you! n a blessed birthday once again! oh..n this year i promise i'll be a good girl for be the daughter that you will be very proud of...and another thing before i leave, you are the most beautiful woman in the world...both inside and out! muaxies!
love your beloved sweetheart xoxo,
(p/s: mie's bday was on may 25th)
(double p/s: she looks super young rite? guess how old she is? i won't tell u tho...oh...n i hate it when ppl say i'm her sis when we go jus spoils my day...but of course, she'll be giggling away and all happy)
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