i believe that the topic is so common and being dealth with in our lives all the time....
all of us...at one point in our life would hv either been betrayed to or felt betrayed by the ppl closest to us.... wht hurts the most is when u hv bn betrayed by your family, relatives and your best frens...you won't call it a betrayal if tht person does not mean somethg to u...bcos in the very first place, u'd hv to be very close to one person before being able to tell them how u feel bout certain thgs...(okie...wht m i crappin bout?)
well...as a matter of fact...i'm a victim of betrayal.....i'm not going into the details...but i shall do some story telling for now....
Story #1:
there was this fren of mine who happened to share with me her feelings for another guy
(who at the same time, happens to be one of my good frens)...and then a couple of weeks later, i realised that this guy (my fren, and the guy my fren likes) started gettin really close to me....he'd always be somewhere around pullin a joke on me, teasin me, whtever...... and of course, as time past, this fren of mine (the girl) started to get furious...she must have thought i was trying to seduce the guy she like, betraying her and going against her.....but what she failed to realise is tht, in actual fact...i did not do anythg at all......n bein a good fren and valuing our frenship more....i decided to keep a distance from the guy....he finally got my msg.....and everything fell into the right places again.....and they all lived happily ever after. *the end*
okie....tht didn't sound like i was the victim rite? yeah.....i was the heroine! haha....
Story #2:
wht if u were to wake up one day...and realised that your best fren kind of meddled herself into your relationship...switched off some switches (thus, no more sparks) cut off some wires (thus, no more connection) jumbled up some of the wires (thus, the confusion), etc, etc....the next thing you noe is the guy that used to be urs....was now with her.....the person whom u've trusted with almost everythg.....is now an alien and a stranger....how would u feel? of course u'll be heart-wrecked...and felt as if the whole world came crashing down on u.....why not? since u trusted the person more than anythg else....but she turned to go against you and robbing you of what you hv been so proud of......understand tht feelin? well..if u've nvr gone through it...trust me, u will at some points in ur life....but these are the things which will make us stronger, giving us a triumphant comeback! woohoo....haha....looks like the hols is gettin into me...maybe i jus can't reach my quota of 1325654 words a day.....i can't be yakkin n yakkin to goldie and tasha the whole day rite? they prob will get so sick of me too...*sighz* so back to the story...wht do u do? cry n cry? n cry somemore? till ur pillows soak with tears? nah! u dun do tht....pick urself up, stand up, be proud of urself (no matter how hard it is)...then walk on again...n trust that God will continue to provide...after all, is life all ablut gettin married n havin kids? no rite? or else wht would life be for all those who dun get married...even in their later years? n besides, we r all still young n capable people...let us be up on our feet, and to face more challenges life could possibly give to us...the more hurdles, the stronger we become! and there are many more fishes in the sea...(a fren once asked me when i told him tis, he said "but wht if tht was the fish meant for u? n cudn't possibly find another which is compatible?" i answered, "how do u noe then that tht was the best fish u could possibly find?" haha...true?)
story #3:
a lil girl did all her homework bcos her mommy promised to take her out to buy new pretty lacy dresses and more babrie dolls if she finishes 10 pages of maths today....the lil girl was so excited and enthusiasm kicked in....she was determined to do wht it takes even if she were to finish 100 pages, she'd do it...cos she wants that pretty lacy dress from "precious".......she started solving all the arithmetic problems.....few couple of hours later, she proudly announced to her mother, "Mommy, i've finished 11 pages of maths...which is more than 10.....can we go out now? to buy that dress that i've so wanted....and to get matching shoes for barbie? if i get new clothes, it's only fair that barbie gets some too.....*giggles to self*"
Mother looks at the lil girl and said "sweetheart, not today k? mommy has a lot of work to do....maybe next week ya? tell barbie that she'll be getting new shoes soon...but not today *kisses lil girl's forehead*"
"but mommy? "
"no buts, sweetheart" "mommy is really busy"
"mommy, next week? promise?"
"yeah, sweetheart. mommy promise"
and as u hv expected it....a week past....and mommy is still busy....more busy or so it seems.....
and wht happens to the lil girl? she decides that she'll no longer trust her mommy cos she has betrayed her trust, not once......not twice, not even thrice......but numerous of times.....
see? we all get betrayed......it's part and parcel of life.....let's move on.....friends are hard to find....yeah, i agree.....but there's always another lonely soul out there longing to be ur fren..... (ooopsies, but i jus told lay yen tis aftnoon tht when 2 lonely souls meet, the ending could be pretty tragic...haha)
and so after 3 stories, wht points do i want to get across? sorry...i'm clueless myself....maybe it's just my idea of therapy.....hehe.....at least i feel a whole deal lot beta....haha....
so which was my story........haha...i'll leave u to figure for urself...dun rule out story #3 so quickly,
who noes i may still be a lil girl at heart.....not craving for lacy dresses and matching shoes for barbies....but perhaps, matching shoes for my own outfit? haha...n not to mention matching bags/totes??? haha...there i go again-living in my very own dollieworld....
leave me a comment (if u r readin this post) n tell me which u think is MY STORY...lolz....
all of us...at one point in our life would hv either been betrayed to or felt betrayed by the ppl closest to us.... wht hurts the most is when u hv bn betrayed by your family, relatives and your best frens...you won't call it a betrayal if tht person does not mean somethg to u...bcos in the very first place, u'd hv to be very close to one person before being able to tell them how u feel bout certain thgs...(okie...wht m i crappin bout?)
well...as a matter of fact...i'm a victim of betrayal.....i'm not going into the details...but i shall do some story telling for now....
Story #1:
there was this fren of mine who happened to share with me her feelings for another guy
(who at the same time, happens to be one of my good frens)...and then a couple of weeks later, i realised that this guy (my fren, and the guy my fren likes) started gettin really close to me....he'd always be somewhere around pullin a joke on me, teasin me, whtever...... and of course, as time past, this fren of mine (the girl) started to get furious...she must have thought i was trying to seduce the guy she like, betraying her and going against her.....but what she failed to realise is tht, in actual fact...i did not do anythg at all......n bein a good fren and valuing our frenship more....i decided to keep a distance from the guy....he finally got my msg.....and everything fell into the right places again.....and they all lived happily ever after. *the end*
okie....tht didn't sound like i was the victim rite? yeah.....i was the heroine! haha....
Story #2:
wht if u were to wake up one day...and realised that your best fren kind of meddled herself into your relationship...switched off some switches (thus, no more sparks) cut off some wires (thus, no more connection) jumbled up some of the wires (thus, the confusion), etc, etc....the next thing you noe is the guy that used to be urs....was now with her.....the person whom u've trusted with almost everythg.....is now an alien and a stranger....how would u feel? of course u'll be heart-wrecked...and felt as if the whole world came crashing down on u.....why not? since u trusted the person more than anythg else....but she turned to go against you and robbing you of what you hv been so proud of......understand tht feelin? well..if u've nvr gone through it...trust me, u will at some points in ur life....but these are the things which will make us stronger, giving us a triumphant comeback! woohoo....haha....looks like the hols is gettin into me...maybe i jus can't reach my quota of 1325654 words a day.....i can't be yakkin n yakkin to goldie and tasha the whole day rite? they prob will get so sick of me too...*sighz* so back to the story...wht do u do? cry n cry? n cry somemore? till ur pillows soak with tears? nah! u dun do tht....pick urself up, stand up, be proud of urself (no matter how hard it is)...then walk on again...n trust that God will continue to provide...after all, is life all ablut gettin married n havin kids? no rite? or else wht would life be for all those who dun get married...even in their later years? n besides, we r all still young n capable people...let us be up on our feet, and to face more challenges life could possibly give to us...the more hurdles, the stronger we become! and there are many more fishes in the sea...(a fren once asked me when i told him tis, he said "but wht if tht was the fish meant for u? n cudn't possibly find another which is compatible?" i answered, "how do u noe then that tht was the best fish u could possibly find?" haha...true?)
story #3:
a lil girl did all her homework bcos her mommy promised to take her out to buy new pretty lacy dresses and more babrie dolls if she finishes 10 pages of maths today....the lil girl was so excited and enthusiasm kicked in....she was determined to do wht it takes even if she were to finish 100 pages, she'd do it...cos she wants that pretty lacy dress from "precious".......she started solving all the arithmetic problems.....few couple of hours later, she proudly announced to her mother, "Mommy, i've finished 11 pages of maths...which is more than 10.....can we go out now? to buy that dress that i've so wanted....and to get matching shoes for barbie? if i get new clothes, it's only fair that barbie gets some too.....*giggles to self*"
Mother looks at the lil girl and said "sweetheart, not today k? mommy has a lot of work to do....maybe next week ya? tell barbie that she'll be getting new shoes soon...but not today *kisses lil girl's forehead*"
"but mommy? "
"no buts, sweetheart" "mommy is really busy"
"mommy, next week? promise?"
"yeah, sweetheart. mommy promise"
and as u hv expected it....a week past....and mommy is still busy....more busy or so it seems.....
and wht happens to the lil girl? she decides that she'll no longer trust her mommy cos she has betrayed her trust, not once......not twice, not even thrice......but numerous of times.....
see? we all get betrayed......it's part and parcel of life.....let's move on.....friends are hard to find....yeah, i agree.....but there's always another lonely soul out there longing to be ur fren..... (ooopsies, but i jus told lay yen tis aftnoon tht when 2 lonely souls meet, the ending could be pretty tragic...haha)
and so after 3 stories, wht points do i want to get across? sorry...i'm clueless myself....maybe it's just my idea of therapy.....hehe.....at least i feel a whole deal lot beta....haha....
so which was my story........haha...i'll leave u to figure for urself...dun rule out story #3 so quickly,
who noes i may still be a lil girl at heart.....not craving for lacy dresses and matching shoes for barbies....but perhaps, matching shoes for my own outfit? haha...n not to mention matching bags/totes??? haha...there i go again-living in my very own dollieworld....
leave me a comment (if u r readin this post) n tell me which u think is MY STORY...lolz....
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