Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Merry Christmas!!!
Merry Christmas everyone! or Happy Boxing Day!
it's crazy at the stores.
we had a family reunion yday... half the family were here. we'd lotsa fun.
yummy msian food, lotsa card games and christmas pressies.
i've not been updating. sorry. i'm the biggest procrastinator.
i have been doing a lot recently.
i've been attending the christian city church (ccc) which davina chee chee and packy attends.
it's very much like the hillsong church and i like it there.
i'm too lazy. too lazy to update on what we've been doing. let's not talk bout the past yeah? we'll talk bout the present and the future.
i'm going to the beach in a couple of hours. yeaps~ the beach. aunty emily's taking us.which includes janene~nene. and i'm going to push her into the water. haha...we'll see how it goes.
wesley's arriving tomorrow and we'll be having south american bbq prepared by uncle james. that's going to be nice. and in case you want to know, i just had a tempting serving of sweet caramel. haha...i'm evil i know.
that's all for now. bye bye.
Monday, December 17, 2007
i'm getting lazy
okay, on sat : kitchen tea
we attended vicky's kitchen tea. she's my cousin-in-law to be. it was held in a tea room with a beautiful scenery of a waterfront. pretty pretty.
you may be wondering what a kitchen tea is? it's more like a bridal shower. it's organised by the bride's friends. and only the ladies are invited. i took pictures. but i just dunno why it takes me so long to upload them, be it friendster, blogspot or even facebook.
it was pretty warm that particular day. after the kitchen tea, all i wanted to do was to stay indoors and get a good rest.
i attended my aunt's church which is less than a 5minute drive away from their place.
it's very traditional. very smal congregation. gives me that cosy feeling. everyone knows everyone. it's members are more elderly and they are mostly whites. i think we were the only asians. but they make us feel very very welcomed.
after church service, morning tea was served in a hall adjacent to the sanctuary. we stayed awhile and then we headed for chatswood for lunch.
we went for yumcha. they call in yumcha here. in msia, it's known as dimsum. it was really good. you should have seen the queue. i'm not exaggerating but there were at least a hundred people queing. i'd so much yummy food.
met an old friend of mom's. he lives pretty faraway. about an hour's drive from where i currently live. (not telling you where)
we'd asian food. vietnamese for lunch and thai for dinner. i'd lotsa fun playing with julia, 13.
she's very entertaining. and guess what? i got to play the piano. and eventhough i've not been practicing, i was quite pleased with how i played today. teehee...
i guess this post is longer than i expected it to be. again, let me apologise bout the photos. i'll try to think of someway. but not today k? she's tired. very tired. and i wanna play with jassie. or jazzie. she's getting more like tasha. really. i was so worried i'll miss tasha. guess i probably won't be missing her too much. btw, i cried quite badly before i left the house. and according to my brother, tasha's been acting pretty weird. i'm not suprised. she's my baby. i pamper her like mad. haha...okie, now i miss her.
i gotta stop here or i'll end up crying. the coming week's gonna be even more exciting because more ppl will be arriving in sydney. sydney's huge. big. not kidding.
woot. i got a tommy hilfiger bag. now how cool's that? yippie.
i noe i end abruptly. sorry. i though i'll write better when i get here..but i've been losing focus. be grateful that i even bother to write and update. hehe...big effort u noe?
Saturday, December 15, 2007
hunter valley
day 3: hunter valley
it was wonderful. i'd so much fun. just to let u know, hunter valley is about 1 2 1/2 hrs drive from sydney. it's a winery. so it has a lot of vineyards. and in each winery, they offer wine tasting.
i went to four wineries. my uncle picked out the good ones. we'd lunch in temptus two. according to uncle stan, elton john had his concert there very recently. it's a very high-class winery. but the wines there are not that good. maybe because they are a lot newer. i'm pretty good at it now. hehe...
we also did cheese sampling. they were good. cheesy yet tasty. we wanted to get some home but we were afraid of the customs. what if they didn't allow us to bring it in? what are we suppose to do with it? surely, we can't just finish it up there and then. i'll die. lol
my uncle says i've a bright future with laugh it out. i noe you're laughin. hey, but i think i'm good.
i can't upload pictures because it's taking way too long. i gotta go now. i'll update soon on what i did today.sorry.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
the land down under...
i arrived yesterday around 3am (msian time) day started real early.
we're ahead of you guys by 3 hours.
i'm tired now...i'll update soon. was in the city the whole day. and boy, i took lotsa pictures.
sydney opera house, the harbour bridge, the entire city. have been to the city for the past two days. and tomorrow, i'll be going to hunter's valley. it's a vineyard with winery and stuff. it'll be interesting. it's a 2 1/2 hours journey....i guess it's pretty far. btw, my aunt's place is not too far from the city.
things here are pricey if u convert. if you don't, it's a dollar-to-a-dollar. or else u gotta multiply everything by 2.98 which is obscene. haha....
i'm missing malaysia already. life there's good. you don't have to think so many times when you are at the stores purchasing things. here, u gotta think, then count, then think, then calculate again, think somemore, then decide whether to buy or not. food's expensive. bus tickets are expensive too...but then, it's really interesting and a lot of fun too...hehe...
i'll update soon with pictures, i rpomise. but you all be good....haha
take care, till then, God bless...
signing out,
Monday, December 10, 2007
the after effects
i'd plan toblog earlier. especially on the outing of the five wacky ones. but due to unforeseen circumstances, i'd to cancel that.
yeah, all these books burying thingy has left some after effects. i guess it's all part of the nerdish disease. a couple of days after my last paper, while waiting for julie to get home so that i could go over and give her my welcome hug, i decided to do something which would be unthinkable to many (or so according to my bro) who have been reading their heads off in the last few months. don't blame me. i lost my apetite shortly after my exams and was certainly not in the mood to prepare my own lunch. so yours truly decided to skip her lunch and creep into her lovely bed and read a novel.
i'm not sure if i've mentioned it before, but i have this special liking for john grisham. i just feel that he's awesome at writing. and his books never lets me down. i never get bored. in fact, the longer i read the more pages i flipped, i get more intrigued. it's so addictive. reading is addictive. gimme 24 hours and a thick novel, and i'm pretty satisfied. special thanks to auntie tian for the books. i'm now reading "the street lawyer" and i can't wait to finish it up. just about another hundred pages left which i believe i'll be able to finish by tomorrow.
but wait, i've like a hundred and one errands to do before leaving.
i've not packed.
i still have another round of laundry to do.
i need to shop for more gifts. (i'm done with my own shopping, for now)
i need to clean the house.
i need to give goldie and tasha a good scrub. but it's been raining the whole morning, i just don't have the heart to wet them any further.
i need to ring a few friends and say bye-bye.
etc,etc (the list goes on and on)
i'll be updating soon with pictures (i hope) on the latest get-together that we had. who's we, you may wonder? it's me, minnie, julie, yi wen and the sotong (mei lian)
we'd so much fun spending those few couple of hours together. and we certainly had the time of our lives singing our hearts out. i love you girls! you're irreplaceable.
i've uploaded the pictures on facebook. so check it out first if you're getting impatient.
talkin about that, i'm a lil saddened here. i realised that people no longer visits my site. is it due to my lack of updates or am i such a bore? or is it because i'm too long winded.
(minee, teach me how to photobucket) if you're reading this, leave comments la, or a plain hi in my cbox will livened me up a lil too. thanks!
okies, i gotta get back to my errands. i think i gotta hang those jeans out already. but it's still so gloomy out there. how how?
btw, i love JESUS! and He loves me. and better still, He loves you!
signing out,
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
the smell of last!
i praise the Lord for all that He has done and blessed me with! let me be honest, it has not been an easy 3 weeks, at least not as easy as i expected it to be...but i praise the Lord for all He has done! He's really amazing...and He has blessed me in so many different ways. i could feel His presence with me at all times, guiding me and leading me...speechless!
i thank my lovely parents too! without them, i'd have broken down half-way through. they have been superbly supportive, short, they were my pillars of strength. papa and mie went all the way out for me, sacrificing on their sleep even when they are really tired. mie even fell sick....(i'm so sorry) but mommy, if you're reading, (oh yeah, there was one fine day when my mom decided to take a peak into my blog...boy, i was in a bundle of nerves..haha), i just want to let you know that i really really really appreciate all that you all have done for me...and i really love u! thank u so much! and i hope i'll make you proud! (i always do, don't i? hehe) Praise the Lord!
and just in case you were wondering, yeah, i've finished sitting for all of my 8 papers...God's grace is sufficient for me....i hope i did well...and i shall not be commenting further.....trusting in the Lord in each step that i take....
guess what? the supposingly "biggest aeon mall in southeast asia" is opened and it's like only a 7- minute walk away from my place! now how convenient is that? n how it's made life so much easier for me???lol.... i've been there 3 times thus between exams (glees happily)...and i got really excited when i heard that mng, g2000, guess, padini concept store, and many other favourites were coming into Klang....lolx....i guess it's upgraded the lifestyle of klangites....
but it's pretty sad and embarassing i'd say, cos the mentality of klangites is pretty much still the same, the toilets are wet and dirty, you see dirty marks on the floor, etc,'s, it's pathetic.
i am so going to miss my dad and my brother....and my 2 cutiepies......awwww!!!! i'm like torn part of me is so excited...and another part of me is crushed. 8 weeks without my babies? what would life be? sighz......and i bet mommy will leave me in tears on new year's day! what a way to usher in the new year! lolx.... u'll noe what i'm talking about soon! i shall not reveal it yet...
oh wait, to make it up to all of you (i hope people still read, or i'll have to do some advertising d) i will come up with a video of my dogs.......just hold on k...i'll hv to figure out how to upload it...anyone care to help? miss mean ee???? *hint hint* i'm pretty sure u're reading....
(p/s: my babie!!!! get a cbox la for gdness sake? or else how to communicate??? leaving comments is so me-mafan-kan!)
on a side note, putting on weight has its advantages too you know? hehe....really!!!! i'm quite glad that i've piled on a bit of those kilos...teehee :)
oh and today marks the last time i'll have to:
*dress in my school uniform
*tie my hair to school
*drive that same route which i've been taking every day for a couple of years
*fight for parking spaces in front of the school
*walk into SMKTAR (no wait, i still have to collect my results, etc)
*wear school shoes (my dad even asked me if i wanted to throw them away? NO!)
*wake up so early in the morning to attend assemblies (bla.....what a way to start the morning?)
*listen to those unreasonable teachers nagging and bla-ing during assembly)
*seeing faces that you don't want to see.....especially not the first thing in the morning
*no more dirty, smelly school toilets, which are all wet and yucky
but i must admit that i've grown up a lot...after this morning's paper, i had some extra time for some deep thoughts....i've indeed grown.
when i finished upsr, i was running around the entire school compound, shouting merdeka (i was so ignorant then!), shooting those bullets from staplers (goodness! *smacks forehead*), playing with water and getting all wet, then start blaming each other and say "aiya, i didn't want to get wet wan lo" (i lied, i always enjoyed getting wet, the wetter, the better...hehe)
after pmr, i shouted 'merdeka' too....i still played with water...but i no longer shoot bullets (considered grown rite? rite?)
after spm, i still shouted merdeka, threatened to play with water but didn't because i decided to go home to meet mom and get her to bring me shopping....hehe...
now 2 years later, i didn't bother to shout merdeka, instead with my happy face, i went around hugging everybody and wishing them all the best, bidding goodbye, and at the same time, promising to meet up again.....(big big difference eh?)
and another thing, i realised that after i left MIF, i no longer enjoyed playing with fact, i abstain...and this time i really mean it okay? i really dun wanna get wet! hehe....
now the moral of the story is....I'VE GROWN UP!!!!
mommy should be very happy to hear this...after all, her daughter can still fit into the same tee she wore when she was ten years younger (and it's still loose)....and mommy says, "now, that's sad"...lols
wait, i forgot to wish myself a "HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY". yours truly is now 19....nineteen wei....big big girl already....hehe...
i'd a simple celebration this year...i insisted that i didn't want something grand because i was so into my books that time (imagine having to prepare for your biology paper which is scheduled for tomorrow early morning when it's ur bday? big turnoff rite?)
but i'd a few cg bought me a gift and a cake and sang happy birthday when i was in church....that was really thoughtful...thank you so much....i'll visit you all soon, but not this friday ya...maybe when i get back, i'll drop by.....thank you again!
and a couple of friends got me some nice gifts this year, i really never expected anything cos i've been really bad this year, i never got anyone gifts...lols....and someone even promised me lunch after his exams *hint hint*
now, now, i better stop here...i'll update again...maybe tomorrow...
it's a real long one......a really really long one....
anyway, don't blame me...i did warn you!
EDIT: i tried uploading the video, it took me more than 30 mins and it still didn't work...min, help!
Friday, October 12, 2007

i was never really sure if i was proud to be a malaysian until a couple of days ago.
i'm looking forward to watching the docking in ISS tonight.

something tickled me, i was saying bye to my uncle just now.
then he said, "Shin Hui, when you get into university start looking for a boyfriend."
my dad was just beside me when he quipped, "now's not the right time"
then my uncle said, "form four, form five don't get a boyfriend. don't get those 'chipalang' ones. wasting time only when you deserve so much better ones." and my immediate response was "Don't tell me, tell them...i'm still safe" lolx.... it was that 'chipalang' word that got me all tickled up. it's so true especially if you were in my place, and you saw that "face" you so love seeing....teehee (read that with the greatest degree of sarcasm that you have)
p/s: i can't help but to look away everytime i see that face of hers. it just makes me so sick. and how i wish you're reading this! gimme a break're not GREAT at all!!! so don't put up a show for yourself and elevate yourself to a position that is not even meant for you....not to forget, it does not even exist there for you..
i'm not mean okay? she's the "meanest". you have no idea how shallow she is and how "yucky" and desperate she is....enough said!!!! God forgive me!
Friday, October 5, 2007
God's grace
yeah, trials are over but the actual finals are like bout 6 weeks away, which is really just a passing moment. time really really flies and it flies by so quickly, i sometimes get left behind. and it abandons me, leaving me to pick up with my pace. but fret not, because God is always beside me and i trust in Him to lift me up and carry me when the path gets tougher and poses more challenges.
i know this is very emo-ish but i really can't help it. the more time i spend in class, the more heavy i feel deep inside of me. like i've mentioned in previous posts, the entire class is very much closely united and especially in my case, i can just pull a joke on anyone, including the most quiet person in class. it's like even when pressure was increasing (the past few days), it was still fun to be with all of them. i must admit though that there are a couple of people that i am not really fond of, but all in all, it's a great class to be in. and this reassures me that God works for the good of those who love Him. it's amazing how God works in ways that the human mind cannot comprehend. God's grace is indeed sufficient, or should i say abundant for me!
by the way, Goldie is up and bouncing, playing away and ruining things once again. it's nice to see a wagging tail-ed dog greeting you everytime you get home.
i've got a lot to say, but i guess this should do for now.
Saturday, September 15, 2007

i was browsing through my previous posts....i realised a pretty big difference.
i think i used to write more meaningful stuffs back then when i was a noobie blogger. hehehe
i feel that the more recent posts (which are not that recent at all) are more of "nothings" hehe...
okay....and i want to apologise for not updating for like more than a month. i've been really really busy with exams and lotsa other the extend of not coming online that often too. it's been a nerdy world there...hehe...
and i don't foresee myself blogging that often in the next couple of months because i ought to be studying even harder by then...but fret not my dear readers, i foresee myself blogging a whole lot after my finals especially the period when i'll be away from home...teehee....
oh....and thank you so much for coming by and reading my "nothings"... thank you for the support....huggies from me!!!
even as i'm sitting here typing away, my poor goldie's like a metre's away all sad and gloomy...she's not feeling well apparently and it breaks my heart to see her not being able to enjoy life like a happy bouncy labrador. get well soon, my love!!!! i want to be able to play and roll around with you in the garden, to be able to hold your hands and pretend that we are dancing in the moonlight....hehe....i want to be able to pull your ears and spin you around without having to fear that i'll further injure or hurt you.....i want to see my "fei poh" doing the things she normally enjoys doing. don't ask me what's wrong with her...i really do not know.
have you ever done something and then regret later? i guessed many of us have had such feelings before....worse still, have you done something which the people around you tells you it wasn't right and yet you have no regrets for doing what you've done? i guessed that has happened before too huh?
i did something which my conscience kept telling me it wasn't proper....yet after the whole ordeal, i wasn't mad at myself for not listening to my heart. i did regret my actions although i felt bad for the other party....okay, i don't want to go into the details....i shall therefore end abruptly.
as i was reminiscing upon the past, i realised that in the past one year, i've learn to accept people in spite of the differences that we have. and trust me, some of these people are really really "different"...not that they are handicapped or whatsoever but the methods by which they do things really differ from the methods by which many of us use.
i went into form six and was put in a class which i did not like in the first place. most of my friends were in the first class. (random fact about me : i was never (note: NEVER) placed in the first class in my entire high school life even if i was suppose to be one of the top students) but don't get me wrong, i am not bothered about fact, i don't like to be in the first class..there's just too much pressure.
so back to the story, i wasn't happy about being separated from my friends and making new ones (i can be pretty unfriendly at times). to make matters worse, i'd 3 classmates, all whose names starts with the letter "j" (was it mere coincidence) who shares something in common....their weirdness. i shall not reveal their names in order to protect their identity. but i shall label them as boy #1, boy #2 and girl #3.
my first impressions of them wasn't a very pleasant one. in fact, i was wondering what it would be like having to share a class with them for 18 months....haha...
but one of my friends challenged me....he said i bet with you in a month's time, you'll start having a better impression of him. i accepted his challenge, being very confident that i would win.
let me be a little more detailed. boy #1 makes funny animal noices, his actions are very much disturbing, he gets very nervous at little little things, rubs his hands and legs and....(the extra details are too gruesome to be even mentioned) boy #2 is very much girlish....and girl #3 was everyone's nightmare when she first walked into class.. she asks very disturbing questions...questions you'll never be able to answer and gives you that very intimidating look as if she were to stab you in your abdomen at any one time if you were to give her an answer not pleasing to her.....pretty nightmarish right? i'm not exaggerating okay, ask any 6AS2ian....and they'll give you the same answers.
but as time passes, i realised that they may be slightly different from me, yet they are created in God's image and God loves them just as much as He loves me. and without realising, i began to accept them for who they were, emphasising on their strengths instead of their weaknesses. and now, they are like my very close friends. in fact, the entire class is very much united in spite of our diverse backgrounds, beliefs, stands and views. we are like one big happy family and it's really nice because you go to class everyday looking forward to spending time together. it makes lessons more exciting, humourous and fun. there's no racial segregation in just simply does not exist.
yeah....and God has taught me an important lesson. to love everyone as He has first loved me. and that means to accept and to show our christian love to everyone alike. and He has also reminded me to trust in Him despite of not knowing what lies ahead because He always has the best in store for me! thank you Lord! i love You and always will! and i want to live my life for Your glory....gimme grace, mercy and strength.
God bless all of you peeps....
i'll try to share a little on the Methodist Prayer Convention the next time which in case you weren't there or didn't know, it was awesomely awesome! we are to be blessings to the people around us and to the nation! Amen!
so long, farewell, buhbye!
Sunday, August 5, 2007
my babies..
this is something i'm very passionate about
she's a mongrel of unknown and indistinct ancestry, born with the curse of uncertain lineage, one of the tens of thousands of unwated dogs in malaysia. Yet by some stroke of almost providential good fortune, she became wanted. She came into my life, and I into hers - and brought me lotsa joy....
i cancelled all my activities and rushed home from school everyday to nurse her.
gave her medicines, gave her fresh milk to drink, made chicken soup for her...
i love them to bits and to me, they are family...
my brother and i gave them chinese names too...that matches ours...teehee :)
and most importantly, brought lotsa joy and laughter to our family...
we truly adore them....
i love my dogs!!!!
more pics below:
it's taking way too long to download the this will do for now...
i love trees

haha...i wanna play my lil role in protecting and conserving the environment
but i'll still drive my SLK around town....
i'll still buy groceries and take them home in tesco plastic bags
i won't litter
i will try not to waste water
i love trees!!!!
and ppl, love the trees too k?
(okie...i sounded so bimbo0ish there)
i'll just continue using green...tribute to the environment
i started to blog because i'd so much to say then...
but didn't have the time to....
now that i have a wee lil bit of time....
i dunno what to say....
i dunno what to write about.....
maybe another emo post....
more than a year has passed since i last enrolled into form 6
i initially enrolled with very high hopes of getting out
unfortunately, it never happened
and i can testify that form 6 is indeed really tough
not much regrets....
i kinda enjoy school nowadays
a lot has happened...
many things have changed
things changed too
and yeah, i changed a lot too
i guess it's a transition period for me...and i learnt a lot
not just about the surroundings, but also about myself
i made lotsa friends....and a couple of besties whom i truly cherish
and what's left is only a few couple of months...and everyone will be walking their separate ways again....
don't ask me why i wrote this...i guess it's pointless...
i initially wanted to talk about something her but i've decided against it now...
Saturday, August 4, 2007
a pretty long while
and plenty has happened since the last time i wrote.
in fact, many things have changed....
people changed too....
but i just wanna thank God for His faithfulness
for His love
for His grace
for His goodness
and His mercy!!!
cos i'm doing just great!!!
okie....let's see....u may be wondering what have i been up to....
in the past couple of days,
*i took a really long ride to a place i've never been to before
*i kept seeing green my entire time there
*i'd to prepare a speech and a presentation (which was really stressful when u hv a whole lot of other things to do)
*got bitten by 3 leeches
*was bleeding non-stop the whole night
*had a bed to sleep on but chose to sleep on the hard timber flooring instead
*wore slippers for jungle-trekking
*saw "crown-shyness" which was awesome
*had no choice but to wear short shorts to sleep and then woke up and took a morning walk in the cold, cold morning
*bathed in icy-cold water (not exaggerating) at 12am
in the past week,
*i'd been really cranky and uptight
*people were getting on my nerves all the time (or maybe i was the one getting on ppl's nerves)
*had lotsa arguments and misunderstandings
*emo-ed a lot
(but....i didn't just get angry for no reason k?things actually happen and they got me annoyed, alright?)
*but at the end of the day, everything is cleared....
n btw, it's not that time of the month, k? dun come up with your own conclusions
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
user is single but temporarily unavailable....
user will be back soon....
very in very very soon.....lolx
user misses all of u....
user will update soon....
user promises.....
user is currently very busy with a lot of things....
user will be back....( did user really have to keep repeating tht? lolx)
till then, take care!
God bless all of you!!!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
when i think of u....
it saddens me to see how time really flies...
and how in a fleeting moment,
things can change a total 180 degrees....
i recall the day we first met....
the day we got to know each other....
and understand one another....
it happened so fast...
i can't seem to remember...
but a period has come and gone....
but what is it that has really happened?
why is it that things are so distant between us?
how can two close frens become total strangers to each other?
is it possible, i ask.....but yes, it is....
i'll never blame you for what has happened...
to err is human, but to forgive is divine....
i wouldn't say it was your fault....
neither would i say that it was entirely mine....
i guess things would never have changed if the both of us never did....
things may change....but the most important thing is to see each other happy...
i see you smiling.....and i say to myself "it's ok"
i guess as time passed and as we started
to discover more about each other and about ourselves,
we've come to realise that there's more in life
that we want to accomplish....
more that we want to do....
more that we expect....
and more that we hope to receive....
i'll never regret the day we first met...
or getting to know you
but i guess as things change....
we gotta move on with life too
the sweet memories behind us
i would always remember and cherish
i hope you'll do the same too
May God bless you.....
and if our paths ever cross again....
then, we shall
begin the whole journey together anew...
till we meet again!!!
it makes me sound like a person who does not seem to appreciate relationships...
in actual fact, i am...
i treasure the ppl around me....
i constantly remind myself not to take for granted the ppl closest to me....
i love bonds, relationships and ties....
i do, i really really do
but i do not like to be taken for granted to
that'll be the biggest no-no for me
deep down inside me,
i still wonder if true friendships still exist...
i mean friendships that last a lifetime
though i'm super positive that God will always be there for me...
and not forgetting my lovely family....
and of course my to-be husband....
and doggies....
but apart from that, will it last for a lifetime?
will it never fade?
i guess relationships are really up to us....
if both parties are committed....
i guess it shouldn't be a problem....
p/s: how come ppl nvr leaves comments? n i tot i wrote meaningful stuffs....lolx!
pictures say a thousand words...
i'm daddy's lil' girl!!!
i love mie!!!
and lastly...
~just licia~
Note : pictures are all dated 24/6/2007....@ Oriental, The Pavillion
........brothers' pictures cannot be found...lolx
Saturday, June 23, 2007
licia is one happy and blessed girl!!!
Saturday, June 2, 2007
of malaysian road users

allow me to blow my own horn a lil k? (a second of fame...) i think i drive pretty well...not too proud of my side-parking though...but i'll master that...soon soon! cos instructors these days dun teach u to drive on the road...they only teach u to pass....they give u all sorts of formulae...and tell me, how m i suppose to remember all that? talkin bout practicality here....
ur family needs u....think of ur loved ones....haha..looks like those ads actually work!
but motorcyclists always thinks they are very small and can fit into any lil spaces....they think they aren't hogging...but in actual fact, they hold everyone up.....
Thursday, May 31, 2007
taken for granted...

Tuesday, May 29, 2007
The strength of a woman!

The Strength of a Woman
May GOD grant all women the strength to face the challenges that come their way!!!
Monday, May 28, 2007
of boiling carrots, eggs and oolong... the topic...i dunno how many of u read star two today? i'm pretty sure the headlines hv caught ur attention and u were probably most engrossed with pages 1-3....n probably skipped chong sheau ching's article.....hehe.....i shall not discuss the pages 1-3 thingy's outta my topic....if u noe it, u noe it...if not, then it's up to u to find out....
csc wrote on gender equality...and went on to mention the degratory remarks about woman....i shall admit here that i'm pretty sexist...n i will defend the females to as long as i live....hehe...
so the saying on boiling carrots, eggs and oolong.....
boiling carrots : when u boil carrots, they become soft right?
yeah...same goes with women in the yesteryears....they succumb to pressure and admit defeat in the battle with men.....they r labeled the 'softies'...who do not stand up for their rights....or should i say they r ignorant (and in this case here, ignorance is certainly no bliss) and do not noe their rights...hence, being bullied by the stronger race...
boiling eggs : when u boil eggs, they become hard right?
yeaps....tht's what women are today...they've evolved to become stronger (maybe not physically but emotionally and mentally)....they are the result of ur constant discrimination, men! (u regret ur past actions now, do u?) so women these days have become tougher....and are no longer that susceptible to discrimination and sexism.....we do not want to be the more inferior gender.....
boiling oolong : and what happens when u boil oolong/tea? the colour comes out aight? the colour around it changes huh?
we want to be women who can influence the ppl around us, we want to be able to convince ppl of their rights....we do not want to rule, we only want equality...we want to be treated with respect, with dignity...and tell me, is tht too much to ask? y is it that we have to continuously endure sexist and degratory remarks against us? how much longer do we have to bear with ur nonsensical 'humours'? who gave u the right n the authority to make fun of us...r u not aware of who bore u into this world n moulded u to be who u r today? then give her n her race some respect, men!!!
men,let us treat the women around us today with respect and dignity....
and women, let us stand up for our own rights and be bold and courageous....and be the oolongs of the millenium!
~here's a toast to all the women in the world today!~
a sense of betrayal...

all of one point in our life would hv either been betrayed to or felt betrayed by the ppl closest to us.... wht hurts the most is when u hv bn betrayed by your family, relatives and your best won't call it a betrayal if tht person does not mean somethg to u...bcos in the very first place, u'd hv to be very close to one person before being able to tell them how u feel bout certain thgs...(okie...wht m i crappin bout?) a matter of fact...i'm a victim of betrayal.....i'm not going into the details...but i shall do some story telling for now....
Story #1:
there was this fren of mine who happened to share with me her feelings for another guy
(who at the same time, happens to be one of my good frens)...and then a couple of weeks later, i realised that this guy (my fren, and the guy my fren likes) started gettin really close to me....he'd always be somewhere around pullin a joke on me, teasin me, whtever...... and of course, as time past, this fren of mine (the girl) started to get furious...she must have thought i was trying to seduce the guy she like, betraying her and going against her.....but what she failed to realise is tht, in actual fact...i did not do anythg at all......n bein a good fren and valuing our frenship more....i decided to keep a distance from the guy....he finally got my msg.....and everything fell into the right places again.....and they all lived happily ever after. *the end*
okie....tht didn't sound like i was the victim rite? yeah.....i was the heroine! haha....
Story #2:
wht if u were to wake up one day...and realised that your best fren kind of meddled herself into your relationship...switched off some switches (thus, no more sparks) cut off some wires (thus, no more connection) jumbled up some of the wires (thus, the confusion), etc, etc....the next thing you noe is the guy that used to be urs....was now with her.....the person whom u've trusted with almost now an alien and a would u feel? of course u'll be heart-wrecked...and felt as if the whole world came crashing down on u.....why not? since u trusted the person more than anythg else....but she turned to go against you and robbing you of what you hv been so proud of......understand tht feelin? well..if u've nvr gone through me, u will at some points in ur life....but these are the things which will make us stronger, giving us a triumphant comeback! woohoo....haha....looks like the hols is gettin into me...maybe i jus can't reach my quota of 1325654 words a day.....i can't be yakkin n yakkin to goldie and tasha the whole day rite? they prob will get so sick of me too...*sighz* so back to the story...wht do u do? cry n cry? n cry somemore? till ur pillows soak with tears? nah! u dun do tht....pick urself up, stand up, be proud of urself (no matter how hard it is)...then walk on again...n trust that God will continue to provide...after all, is life all ablut gettin married n havin kids? no rite? or else wht would life be for all those who dun get married...even in their later years? n besides, we r all still young n capable people...let us be up on our feet, and to face more challenges life could possibly give to us...the more hurdles, the stronger we become! and there are many more fishes in the sea...(a fren once asked me when i told him tis, he said "but wht if tht was the fish meant for u? n cudn't possibly find another which is compatible?" i answered, "how do u noe then that tht was the best fish u could possibly find?" haha...true?)
story #3:
a lil girl did all her homework bcos her mommy promised to take her out to buy new pretty lacy dresses and more babrie dolls if she finishes 10 pages of maths today....the lil girl was so excited and enthusiasm kicked in....she was determined to do wht it takes even if she were to finish 100 pages, she'd do it...cos she wants that pretty lacy dress from "precious".......she started solving all the arithmetic problems.....few couple of hours later, she proudly announced to her mother, "Mommy, i've finished 11 pages of maths...which is more than 10.....can we go out now? to buy that dress that i've so wanted....and to get matching shoes for barbie? if i get new clothes, it's only fair that barbie gets some too.....*giggles to self*"
Mother looks at the lil girl and said "sweetheart, not today k? mommy has a lot of work to do....maybe next week ya? tell barbie that she'll be getting new shoes soon...but not today *kisses lil girl's forehead*"
"but mommy? "
"no buts, sweetheart" "mommy is really busy"
"mommy, next week? promise?"
"yeah, sweetheart. mommy promise"
and as u hv expected it....a week past....and mommy is still busy....more busy or so it seems.....
and wht happens to the lil girl? she decides that she'll no longer trust her mommy cos she has betrayed her trust, not once......not twice, not even thrice......but numerous of times.....
see? we all get's part and parcel of life.....let's move on.....friends are hard to find....yeah, i agree.....but there's always another lonely soul out there longing to be ur fren..... (ooopsies, but i jus told lay yen tis aftnoon tht when 2 lonely souls meet, the ending could be pretty tragic...haha)
and so after 3 stories, wht points do i want to get across? sorry...i'm clueless myself....maybe it's just my idea of least i feel a whole deal lot beta....haha....
so which was my story........haha...i'll leave u to figure for urself...dun rule out story #3 so quickly,
who noes i may still be a lil girl at heart.....not craving for lacy dresses and matching shoes for barbies....but perhaps, matching shoes for my own outfit? haha...n not to mention matching bags/totes??? haha...there i go again-living in my very own dollieworld....
leave me a comment (if u r readin this post) n tell me which u think is MY STORY...lolz....
Tribute to Mie!!!
Dearest Mie,
You mean all the world to me....thank you for being such the wonderful mother you are...i couldn't have asked for have taught me the most invaluable lessons in life, bringing me up in the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, teaching me to love and to care for the less fortunate and the 'not so lovely' ones, instillin in me a sense of discipline, good virtues and moral values...i could go on and on..and the list would probably never come to an end because every second spent with you exposes me more to the wisdom that you have acquired over the years! mommy dearest, i love you from the very botttom of my heart....and may the Lord our GOD continue to bless you abundantly to be the woman mentioned in Proverbs 31! i'm truly sorry for everything that i've done which have hurt you in any manner or ways.....Mie, i love you! n a blessed birthday once again! oh..n this year i promise i'll be a good girl for be the daughter that you will be very proud of...and another thing before i leave, you are the most beautiful woman in the world...both inside and out! muaxies!
love your beloved sweetheart xoxo,
(p/s: mie's bday was on may 25th)
(double p/s: she looks super young rite? guess how old she is? i won't tell u tho...oh...n i hate it when ppl say i'm her sis when we go jus spoils my day...but of course, she'll be giggling away and all happy)
Truly Malaysian
But i've been truly malaysian the past 3 has been a food fest in the Tan's residence...or should i call it "the Tan's jalan-jalan cari makan"..lolz..
fri nite - we had super yummy chinese food (song river, klang town) the place is somewhat hidden, and you probably won't be able to locate it easily....but the food there is super duper good....haha....they were even featured in the star newspaper very recently....the chief editor herself tried the sumptous food...
sat nite - should i call it western? okie...i'll let u decide for urself.....dinner at san francisco's steakhouse, usj...i like the setting and the arrangement there...very cosy, very private, perfect ambience....haha...except for the children's voices....the food's good too.....i recommend...everythg? haha....(wait..the idea is not bout wht i ordered....but bout the food fest in the family)
sun aftnoon - chinese....wht do chinese eat for brunch? yeah...dim sum....(oriental, pj) okie...let me say i was pretty impressed with this place....but i'd say that the dim sum served in mandarin oriental, kl is still better....but its thousand times better than the ones u get in klang....n yeah, we'd pekking duck for lunch....lolz....super huge apetites.....
sun nite - my all-time childhood favourite...we'd tex-mex (short for texas-mexican) american chillis, 1 utama...i used to like this place a lot when i was a lot younger cos they'd always provide my brother with crayons n pictures to colour..there'll also be puzzles and problems to solve...ahaha...we were always so excited bout going to this place....(back then, we frequent the bangsar outlet) and best of all, u get to take home the crayons n ur meals come free-of-charge if a main dish is ordered.....but of course, we don't get to eat for free anymore....haha....long past that period.....all grown up d....okie...back to the place...i'd say that the food served in this outlet's good...but the service isn't that 'very satisfactory'....nevertheless, i enjoyed my fav: nachos and fajitas....
n yeah...i was tellin my mom that if we could eat like this'll be superb...n she said, "if we were to eat liddat for a month, we'd be obese...(n this is my fav part)...n i'd go bankrupt....haha.....
so i guess, this was all but a holiday special.....and in conjuction with my mom's birthday....wait...a post on my heroine will be up soon.....
and so after reading, u're really convinced that i've been so msian for the past few days huh? not to mention a very 'muhibbah' apetite too....
p/s: photos....i was too hungry to even take pictures of the food....but i'd say tht the presentation in sfs earns an A from me...haha...u shld hv seen the cream caramel for dessert....
Saturday, May 26, 2007
my brainchild
i never thought i'll come close to doing anything like this...but i did it anyway after much thought and consideration...
i'm going to do this my's my way of expressing myself in my own way...i want to be able to comment on anything and everything i want regardless of what others may say or think or do...
i like to be able to stand out and be different from the rest...
and for the time being, i choose to write on people, places and happenings rather than my personal life like what happens or what i do.....i dunno how long this transition period will be...but we'll see....
so welcome to this little corner of mine....and i hope that through this, u'll better understand me...and thus, the birth of my lil baby....
p/s: i wonder whether procrastination will get its way to me or not...if it does, this baby will probably face health problems due to premature birth...and may not be able to survive this ordeal...lolz